Jul 13, 2007 01:12
Ok so my son's b'days have past, and they were terrific, I had a blast spoiling them, with toys to please and educate them, plus two new bikes, with helmets of course!
I actually had so much fun organising their days at Childcare, with lolly bags and cake, so they could share the day with their friends, Ryans b'day was on the 26th of june, and i bought him a main cake from Cheese cake shop and two other mudcakes for sharing with the kids there. i got "Happy Birthday Ryan" written on his cake and it looked great! he was thrilled.
For Justins b'day I chose to make and decorate the cakes myself, and i think this is the way i will be going from now on. It wasn't exactly any cheaper as i bought all the decorating stuff as well as the cake mixes, and i have to say i made such a colourful mess with Justins cakes, but they looked so ,you know, "homemade" and I felt so happy showing it to him. Gah i'm actually tearing up at I write this, I have no clue sometimes when this happens, they seem like normal reactions, but the happieness i see in my childrens eyes, because of something simple i did for them, or even when they get such enjoymeny out of giving me something like a mushed up flower, it just makes me well up.
I'm soppy.
One of the most ammusing things out of this is the night before Justin's b'day the 5th of july which was the annual K-mart toy sale launch that started at 12 midnight. well one of my childcare girls told me about it, and being justins b'day the next day couldn't pass up a chance to score a find.
I have to say it was one of the craziest things i've been to in a while, i got there an hour earlier as i was told to do, and within that hour over 150 people lined up behind me to get in. As i didn't plan anything, no lists or catalogs, I was on foot without the hinderence of a trolly.
I got quite a few good items and quite a few trolly inflicted bruises along the way. The night was extreamly fun and i met several nice people.
I was informed later on that this years sales were calmer *if you could imagine at this point* than they were last year, supposidly they had to break ups fights and such. epp
BTW av-con is coming if you didn't know, cosplay is going well, if i could just get up the nerve to do the role play Dani suggested I might do quite well at the cosplay comp.
I'll be arriving on the Tuesday before the convention, a few days early so i can see a few people more, as we all know Conventions are hecktic and most of the time we are stressed about stuff we have to organise while there!
anyhoo, ciao for now, kisses to all