May 06, 2009 13:25
Unfortunately, I'm still here :P Mwhahaha. So much crap has happened since my aunt died, it's been nuts. Been meaning to post here but since January my brother broke my laptop and has since refused to fix it or give it back. SO, my mom bought me one about three weeks ago so I finally have access to a compie comp whenever the hell I want again. Once finals are done with I shall be a LJ fiend again! Just you wait.
I have a ton of communities to post in, and friends journals to post in, and lots of entries to make and....*runs and hides in a corner* BAH! Oh my look at the to class! Haha. One hour of botany and then I'll be off to see my advisor, scream about two of my retarded ass teachers, type up emails for both of them addressing their stupidity and maliciousness, and if they don't fix their mistakes my advisor gets to yell at their bosses. Fuck if I'm going to fail two of my classes because they fucked up their grades. L2GRADE!
And then I will be all yours to post what's been happening the last couple of months.