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Sep 20, 2015 17:20

[Character Name] Angelina Durless (Madame Red)
[Canon] Kuroshitsuji
[Point Taken from Canon] After chapter 8 in manga, or just before episode 5 in anime.

[Age] Early 30ies.
[Gender] Female.
[Sexual Orientation] As far as she knows, heterosexual, but you can never be 100% sure.

[Eye Color] Red.
[Hair Color] Red.
[Height] 168cm (5'6")
[Other] ~~~
[Clothing] Madame Red, serving well to her name, always wears red, no matter what. Her outfits usually are something along these lines: Angelina and a cosplayer.

[Taken from Kuroshitsuji wikipedia.]

Angelina fell in love with Vincent Phantomhive when she was 15, but became distraught when she found out that her sister was marrying him. However, because she was very close to her sister and cared deeply for her, she tried to be happy that the two people she loves the most were getting married. However, after their marriage, she came to hate the color red again. After Ciel was born, she worked to earn her doctor's license, against the wishes of her parents. She frequently played with Ciel and Elizabeth Middleford, stating that these were the people she loved the most.

Angelina later married Baron Barnett, who treated her lovingly and gently, stating that he did not mind that she harbored feelings for another. She called him an honest and pure man who treated her well and made her happy. After a carriage accident in which her husband was killed, her womb and unborn child had to be removed. Rachel came by to cheer her up frequently, understanding the pain she was in. However, this incident continued to cause her great strife as a doctor because she regularly performed abortions on prostitutes, as they believe having a child was troublesome.

After Angelina recovered, Rachel invited her to Ciel's tenth birthday party, which Angelina stated she did not really want to go to, but she went anyway. Upon arriving, she witnessed the Phantomhive manor burning and learned that her sister, her husband and their son were killed by the color she hated - the burning red of the fire. Shortly after this, Angelina began to murder her patients who requested abortions, stating that because they did not want their life, womb, or happiness, she would take it from them. It was after one of these murders when she met Shinigami (Death God) Grell Sutcliff, who offered to assist her.

Several months after she began the killings, Ciel returned alive. Angelina was overjoyed when Ciel returned, and did not mind when Ciel refused to share what happened, stating that his return was enough.

Angelina initially appears looting through Ciel's London manor for some tea with her butler Grell and family friend Lau, stating that she could not resist coming to visit him when she learned he was going to be in town. Ciel states that he is investigating the Jack the Ripper murders, and Lau decides he would like to visit a recent murder scene. The group travels to see Undertaker in order to gather more information. They learn that the murders were performed with such precision that they could only have been committed by an expert in the medical field.

Sebastian makes a list of all potential suspects, and narrows it down to Aleister Chamber, the Viscount of Druitt, who had graduated from medical school, but never held a position as a doctor. Angelina states that because of her social status, she will be able to get them into his party in order to investigate with no problem. She comes up with the idea of having Ciel dress up as her niece, Lau as her lover, Sebastian as Ciel's tutor, and Grell as her butler, as usual. She states that this is because anyone would recognize a one-eyed boy with a dashingly handsome butler as Ciel Phantomhive.

At the party, they learn that Aleister Chamber has been auctioning women off, and they leave, believing the case has been solved. The following day, a newspaper's headline reads that another murder has been committed so they resume their investigation. Angelina gets Ciel to play a game of chess with her while Sebastian works on the list of suspects, stating that he needs to relax. After losing many games to him, Ciel retires to bed.

And that's the night when Angelina appears in Somarium.


Angelina Durless, better-known as Madame Red, strikes people as very sociable, self-confident and care-free women of highest society. No one could ever think of that to be untrue, after all what has she to worry about? And that’s what she wants the others to think. The woman has strong personality or, as some may call it, strong instinct of self-preservation; surely there is no need for the world to see how one truly feels.

Being in the centre of every social gathering, Angelina knows how to show the best, most charming part of her to the audience. She appears flirtatious (a trait she doesn’t try to restrict, especially if Sebastian is around) and completely shameless, being able to tell a dirty joke even in a company of children (although Ciel couldn’t actually be thought of as a usual child, he still is very young).

Madame loves Ciel as her late sister’s son and, as she has said, she thinks of him as of her own. Now, when Angelina’s dear sister and her husband have passed, her nephew is the only family she has and the closest she’ll ever be of having a child. Madame Red loves children and can’t bear if someone attempts to hurt them; the tragedy, which took away her husband and chances of ever having a child, will affect her life until the very end.

That leads us to the other, darker side of this woman’s personality, a side that only Grell has fully seen. Many prostitutes come to her as a doctor to have an abortion, because for them children are just a burden and not necessary to their way of life. Angelina, who more than anything wishes to have a child, finally had found a way to take all of her repressed anger and pain out.

Why should she loose the ability to give a birth, while others, who are blessed with this gift, can carelessly throw it away? Why she had to loose not only everything she had, but also her dreams, hopes and even inmost love? Why did it have to be her?

Madame Red also has quite a temper, which can surface when someone does something inappropriate to Ciel (what ‘inappropriate’ means is judged by her most genuine views) or while she kills someone. Partly because of her explosive nature she has kept to carry out the murders. Surely, after thinking it through, no sane person would have kept doing that. Angelina mostly is nudged by the rage of the moment, though we can’t forget Grell Sutcliff’s latter involvement.

Both of these sides of personality, which would be extremely powerful even by themselves, have collided creating the Angelina Durless we all know. She balances her flamboyant and dark personalities as well as she can, sometimes giving in to one or the other, but always keeping everything to herself.

[Specialties/Abilities] As a skilled doctor, Angelina can both cure and kill, as she has proven many times. That said, presumably, if there is a knife around, she is very dangerous to those, who wish to do harm. Also, Madame Red’s social skills are at their best, and no one would dare to call her unintelligent. Apart from that, she is as ordinary as anyone in her place could be.

[Affection] Angelina is extremely social person, but she's also very emotional, so she is able to find a common language with almost anyone, but if someone does or has done something Madame thinks as inappropriate or bad even... better not to get near her. One of the bad things would be hurting children in any way possible, as she loves kids very much. So, you can easily become one of her friends, but it's as easy to fall down all the way in the category of 'things to despise'. Of course, everything is temporary
[Fighting] Madame Red has killer many prostitutes, so that should mean something. She's very skilled with a knife and, as the least, can seriously injure her attacker or victim.

[Other Permissions] If you have some super awesome ability to read minds, see someone's past or you just know amazingly lot about Angelina, that's fine - pretty much everything is allowed. Bringing up buried feelings and memories is painful and I love torturing my characters. Only, technically Grell hasn't killed her yet, so talking about that (and anything else that happens after episode 4 or chapter 8) would be kinda weird, don't you think?

[Other Facts] Something not mentioned?

ooc, ♥ profile meme

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