Feb 17, 2006 01:10
Seems I've been tagged by the ever charming "clemidia" ( and no, I dont know hoe to do the name button thingy),,,,,she wants to know 7 things that piss me off..........and yes, I'm well aware of the time.
In no perticular order.....
1) Verbose, self absorbed small talkers. I HATE small talk. If you wanna talk, lets talk, but dont so it to pass the - MY time. You know type, they love telling you about the this special wine they found on thier weekend "sojourn", at a lovely winery they found whilst traversing the countryside in thier Range Rover. But before they can tell u about this "nectar", they have to in to some painfull detail about the furniture and how there was a bookcase,well reserved from the 1700's.......fucking shut up!
2)Glory days guy. This is the guy that simplt cant or WONT relize his playing days are over, So they coach. As some of you know, I alse coach High School Football, so I see these dip shits througout the season. "Hey,you rememebr that 3rd down in the fourth quarter against whoop-de-do High?"
"Uhhhh no"
"aw c'mon, you called the play, it was commanche tight rip....remember?"
Let it go already. Enjoy your belly like the rest of us.
Glory days guy is NOT to be confused with "football jursey guy"
3) Lambs. Lambs are these people that crawl out of the woodwork to bitch and moan about every little political happening. Case in point, gay marrige. I dont care if youre gay, if you wanna get married,go ahead and complain. I'm tlking about those that think this is national issue of imprtance, yet, guess what?
THEY arent gay!
I'm willing to wager that 70% of the loudest complainers on such issues are straight, with no idea of the worlds events. These are also the first to complain about how the USA is a bully.
Think about where the world would be if WE didnt have the balls and fortitude to do the dirty jobs that need to get done. Oh, is HIV AIDS your cuse? Very noble.
Take a guess which Counrty spends more dollars than ANY country in the world?
Did I hear you say Canada? Please put your clothes back on and exit the room, thank you.
4) Shows like Entertainment Tonight, etc. FUCK, I hate these shows. I really need to know what Pam Andersons plans are to feed the poor. I REALLY need to know that Angelinna Jolie and Brad Pitt are contributing to the plight of Africa.
Idiots. Take George Clooney with ya.
5) Diane Sawyer
6) Jesse Jackson
7) Milk rings. You know how after you opne a gallon of milk for the first time, that little perforated band that always breaks away?
Yep, that pisses me off.