Holiday Gift Meme 2010

Dec 12, 2010 18:49

So! Since all the cool kids are doing it...


People everywhere! If you want a gift from me, you can respond right here. I'm up for sending small things, like cards, socks, anything that fits in those tiny little boxes at the UPS store. Or you can ask for something here! Like fic, or FSTs. Basically those two because I cannot for the life of me do anything that requires pretty art skills. I'm willing to do the following:

1. Fic (RP related, fandom related, anything under the sun)
2. FSTs
3. A card (You need to give me your address though!)
4. Socks! Everyone could use socks.
5. Small things I find in random places that I think you might like.
6. CD mixes (Not FSTs, just music I think you might like! 20 songs in each is the deal, usually)
7. I can do Tarot readings! Among other supernatural type things that are fun.
8. Yeah I have nothing for the 8th one.

Just fill out this form that I stole from a friend and let the fun holiday time stuff begin!

Name: { If you can't get this one right... }
Gift: { Simple, right? }
Prompt: { Use this for a fic }
Address: { Use this if you want a gift or card }

If you feel more comfortable with sending me your address via PM or AIM or Plurk or Email, just let me know!


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