Feb 26, 2007 14:41
first real entry. as i lay here in my cerelium blue sweatpants begging for this snowday not to end, i gaze into this screen right through to view the cyberworld of livejournal for the first time. what's this for anyway? what happened to the days when little girls would run up to their rooms, close the door behind them, get up on their beds and spill all their thoughts out of their heads about their days into one of those journals with the locks? why do we constantly keep running towards the internet to help us say how we feel? aren't journals suppose to be private, not to be shared with other friends we don't really know?
this may seem a little hypocritical, but who cares. nothing top secret is going on this.
two-hour delay tomorrow maybe?
oh, the bennefits of living in the empire state.
over and out.