Oct 13, 2015 12:59
I don't know where else to express this feeling, so I guess Live Journal is the place to go.
It doesn't happen every time, and it's not always as extreme, but about once a week after leaving the gym I just get this incredible rush of endorphins and a wealth of emotions starts to bubble over inside me and I want to laugh and cry and dance and bike safely home. It's just these small moments, kind of like in an 90s cartoon or something where they show all the planets orbits syncing up right before the prophecy occurs or some shit. Everything in my life just syncs up and I start to think about where I was a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, and I just realize how much happier I am now and I might have ever been in my life. It feels the same way as when I was deeply depressed, occasionally I would get these high moments of beauty, but they would eventually fade and I'd return to black.
Need to leave for work cuts this off. Life is good. Love is good. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' "Downtown" is good.