Jan 19, 2006 05:56
I am going to attempt to write something in this...
So I went two months 1 week and a day with no drinking.
I have only drank about 3 times, and I'm now going to not drink again, and hopefully one day be completly sober from it.
Other than that all my pills are working great for me, I have gained weight, I am nnow at 102lbs.
Been a while since I broke a hundred. So I guess thats good news.
I have been missing a lot of people latly.
Like Tiffany and dani, among others.
ohh ohh I might start taking dnace again, I can't wait!
Adam and I are doing wonderful. If anyone cared to know...
On Friday I'm going to go attempt to get disability....But I may not be able to get it because my green card might not of made the cut off date, witch is stupid, but what am I going to do..eh...Oh something crazy happened to me, something you would never expect! But I'm only going to tell you in person what that is...Unless some loud mouth already told eveeryone, witch I'm sure of. I really don't know what else to say in this thing....oh yeah I'm bleaching my hair , well I did it once tonigt and I'm going to do it again tomorrow..woopwoop blonde nikole.
eww I got food poisined two days ago, ugh it was disgusting..my tummys still messed up a tid bit
well I do not know what else to say for now so im off