annoying quiz

Nov 04, 2006 05:05

so i always see people with quizzes up that have qestions like "how well do you know me? and do you think we'll be friends forever?". and right now i can;t sleep and have nothing bettter to do than make a quiz that actually tells you how much you know about someone. its probably gonna be hard to answer a lot of these but thats the point. i hope all you assholes put this one up for everyone else haha. i know its long but i promise if you fill it out i'll fill it out for you!

we'll start off easy

1. what is my full name?
2. how old am i?
3. where am i from?
4. what is my phone number (if you have to get it off of your cell phone it dosent count haha)

1. how tall am i?
2. about how much do i weigh?
3. what color are my eyes?
4. what tattoos do i have (if any)
5. what color is my hair?

1. what kind of clothes do i wear?
2. would you say i seem like more of a clean or dirty person?
3. has the way i dress changed since i've known you? if so for better or worse?
4. how would you dress me?

1. what is my most prized possesion?
2. what kind of car do i drive?
3. what do i own more of than anything esle?(clothing items dont count)
4. whats one thing i dream of owning?

1. what is my favorite movie?
2. what kinds of music do i listen to?
3. what is my favorite song?
4. what is my favorite t.v. show?

1. would you say i eat healthy?
2. what do i eat most often?
3. what won't i eat?
4. how often do i eat?

1. what kind of cigarettes do i smoke (if any)
2. what is my drink of choice?
3. what drugs have i done?
4. what drug have i done the most?

1. how many jobs have i had? and what were they?
2. what job did i have the longest?
3. what job did i ejoy the most and which did i hate the most?
4. where do i work now?
5. what job do you think i should have?

1. would you consider me a normal person?
2. do you think i could kill someone?
3. do you think i would give my own life to save someone i loved?
4. do you think i am sane, insane, or a little in between?

1. how often do you see me?
2. how often would you like to see me?
3. how long have we known eachother?
4. as a whole how do you think i an veiwed by the majority of our common frends and aquaintances? (i.e. liked, loved, disliked, hated, feared,)

1. how many people have i been "close" with?
2. would you say i "get around"
3. do you think i am capable of abstinence?

1. what is my veiw on abortion?
2. what is my veiw on the war in iraq?
3. what is my veiw on the legalization of marijuana?
4. who did i vote for in the last election?

1. who am i with now and for how long?
2. how many serious relationships have i been in? (extra points for naming them)
3. which one lasted the longest?
4. what kind of person do you think i should be with?

well thats the most i can think of, i tried to generalize a lot so people can use this on their journals.
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