Characters: Buxell and Zudd, newcomers.
Setting: Various Days; Afternoon; Abandoned Church
Summary: Arrival, friendly zombies, explanations, guidance, bad jokes.
Style: Prose and Action responses welcome.
Notes: OPEN. Arrive alone or in groups, threadjack as wanted, remember to add your character's tags for AC purposes!
'Ello there. I'm Zudd, and this is Buxell, we're your welcoming committee. )
Comments 370
She scrambles back until she hits a wall, eyes wide and arms trying to grasp for the gun she had with her prior to her fall.
Monsters-- she had fallen and, and-- was this who lived at the bottom of the Hanged Edge?
The other one shakes his head, looking cross. "Commander Leadswell said I could be in charge ta greet those that come through the cracks, Bux, an' I'd not like you ta forget it."
"You're bleedin' crazy, Zudd, that's what th' commander told me."
Squabbling with each other, the two monstrous, human-like creatures seem to have forgotten their guest.
What was this place? It didn't-- it didn't look like anywhere on Cocoon. The building, the design of it, was all odd and dilapidated, unbefitting the materials that had been used on Cocoon.
Her memories were hazy at best, but... there had been the Purge. The fighting, and the gunshots...
She had fallen.
Was this... this couldn't be... she wasn't dead, was she?
Perhaps it was best for her to... attempt to slip away quietly.
"Zudd, yer an' idiot. We have ta help th' lady - it doesn't matter oo's in charge." Buxell shook his head and tried to smile gently at the frightened Nora. "Sorry miss, Zudd's a bloomin' great arsehole, but 'is 'eart's in the right place...what's left of it that is." The hazel-eyed creature sighed sadly.
"Sorry we're in such poor condition, miss. We're all that's left of a time long ago.. an' we haven't preserved very well, beggin' yer pardon."
Blue eyes blinked, trying to focus, and Dante peered around the butt of the silver pistol, somewhat blearily spying the creature at the other end of the barrel.
"Whazis...shit?" he managed to mutter, tongue feeling like it'd been stepped on and about a gallon of sawdust poured down his throat. Not to mention the monster headache which decided to gleefully resume its romping.
"Bit of a tumble you've 'ad sir, right out of whatever universe you bleedin' came from." The one who named himself Zudd said with a bit of a chortle.
"Ya all right there, Sir? Zudd never remembers ta ask 'em if theys alright." Hazel-eyes glared at his partner, but the other being was apparently admiring Dante's weapons.
"Pretty guns ye has there, Sir." Zudd said appreciatively.
He glanced about, licking his teeth a bit absently. Granted, waking up in strange places wasn't exactly unfamiliar, but he'd have sworn he'd passed out in his chair just a few hours ago.
"Yeah, thanks." The hunter glanced back to his audience, one eyebrow slowly lifting as he took in their overall appearance.
"Lemme guess," he drawled. "We ain't in Kansas no more, Dorothy."
Buxell shook his head in response, shrugging with a crackling popping noise that sounded like rotten flesh shifting. "No clue, Zudd...maybe State-side? Think I remember Paulie sayin' mentionin' it once."
Zudd glanced up at the newcomer again. "Yer in Britian now, mate."
...The slow creatures didn't talk like these did, though. And just how did he end up in this place? His makeshift camp was the last thing he remembered before dozing off.
"What is this place?" He's about to start shooting and his aim is deadly accurate. Better answer his question soon.
"I don't think 'e bleedin' cares if it's a bleedin' bus stop or a strip club, Bux. I think 'e wants ta know the world an' city, like th' others, remember?" The one called Zudd hunches up, peering up at the newcomer.
"Don' know if you knows th' names or not, but yer on Earth, England, on th' borders of New Ashford. Though ta be honest, some of th' bleedin' Rotting slaves jes call it hell." The creature chuckles, as if it made a joke.
"England? I do not know of England." This doesn't surprise him, though, The world has moved on after all. "Is that a place of the Old People?"
He doesn't like this. It's not Todash and it doesn't seem to be a trick of his enemies. His hand tightens on the sandalwood grip of his revolver. He'll shoot his way out, if it comes to that.
The hazel-eyed creature grunts as Zudd smacks him. "'Ey now, Bux. Some o' us are still a might protective of our girlish figures." He grins good-naturedly. "Oy...stranger. We're supposed ta give you this.." The louder of the two friendly undead hold out a cellphone to the man with the hat.
"It'll help ya get on the network. To talk ta people...ya understand me, mate?"
He understands them, but not why they're here, or what they're talking about. Finally able to make them out a bit better, Tron will also realize that what he's looking at isn't any program he's ever seen.
"... where are you welcoming me to?" His voice is a bit rough, so he'll clear his throat, before realizing that he feels strange. His body is different, but now is not the time to be panicking. He'd only just regained his own mind, free of the control CLU had had over him. And this place, this place seemed nothing like the Grid. It was too... organic? It reminded him of pictures Flynn had showed him of his world before, just more downtrodden.
"That don't happen too often, Zudd." The other replied, nodding.
"Welcomin' you to New Ashford." The same one continued to their 'guests'. "Mind ya don't stand up too fast now - yer probably a bit woozy and bungled bout th' head."
CLU was a threat, no matter where he was now.
"New Ashford... is that a new settlement on the Grid?" He just had to make sure after all. Tron will however glance over to the other program, keeping an eye on him. He seemed in no better shape than himself at the moment. And as for feeling bungled, he really wasn't sure what that meant, but it could have something to do with not being able to get up quite yet. At least the strange looking programs were hospitable.
He felt heavy, which could possibly have been a side-effect of the injury. But at the same time, it felt as though something were pinning him on the ground. He barely registers the other voice. He brings one hand up to rub his face.
It was around that time he felt that there was something on top of him, something warm. Another body. And England quickly pushed himself up on his arms. He could not even believe who it was.
"P... Prussia? PRUSSIA!"
How long had he been unconscious? What was he laying on? Whatever it was, it moved.
He rolled onto his back and recognized the feeling of legs under him. It hurt to move and his headache turned into a full blown migraine, but he was too awesome to complain about it.
One of the voices finally registered. "Brit...annien?" he whispered sounding groggy as he finally opened his eyes. Red eyes focused and England came into view along with a ceiling. Were they inside? Or on a covered patio?
"These visitors is gettin' stranger an' stranger, Zudd."
"That they is, Buxell."
The club-handed creature cocked his head at Prussia's words, picking up on something the newcomer said. "Yeah, ow'd ya know? Yer in England, New Ashford, actually...not far from Canterbury. Ya from another Earth then? Sort of a home away from home here, for ya?"
England moved his eyes from Prussia and finally focused on the two strangers. His eyes widened, jaw dropped. They looked like monsters. Not that he had anything against monsters. But there was something just a bit unsettling about these guys.
He moved away, pulling his legs out from underneath the other country as he tried to form words. "What's... going on here?"
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