Characters: Everyone who's anyone!
Setting: Friday February 13th 10am-10pm (or until zombies start attacking the walls)
Summary: Party-type events, mingling of characters!
Rating: Don't think this'll be necessary, but I'll keep an eye on peoples' threads? :)
Style: Prose or Action Log
Notes: Comments are of places/activities, join in and have fun! Please check back to respond to at least one other character if you post with yours!
The citizens of New Ashford have put together a party that fills the whole town!
From the pastures almost to the gates, the run-down buildings have been decorated with streamers and flags of all colors and shades. The effect of the many mismatched styles of celebration is somewhat overwhelming, almost garish, but the fluttering decorations also offer spots of brightness to the otherwise dark and dingy streets of the reconstructed section of the once larger city seen outside the walls.
There are numerous activities and of course drinking and dancing - lots and lots of both. Bands are playing in several places, but the main dancing area is in the park where the loudest (and best sounding) band is playing a sort of mix between rock, techno, and fiddle music. The people of New Ashford are open and happy, more so than normal, and eagerly go to hug and pat anyone they recognize and (if they're drunk enough) even those they don't among the newcomers!
And if anyone's worried about the walls being left undefended, don't. There's a rotating guard still on duty as always - switching off frequently enough so all of the fighters get a chance to enjoy the part while also still protecting the small town.
Drinks and Food Dancing Party Games and Karaoke Old Vids Flea Market for Trade Talent Show