Apr 19, 2007 09:59
The holidays thus far: procrastination, preoccupied 'that's this month???' Gregs, productivity, clean bathroom!, celebration dinners, walnut bread!!, relationship sounding board/adviser (huh?), Diablo, still not making that cake like I've been planning to for about three weeks now, Six Dials, Dr Who, The Ginger Room, Easter chocolate!, random bus conversation, realising I say 'shiny' an awful lot (I think I need a new word or two to add to my vocab) and as of today a trip to Cooma.
Things to do when I get back:
Countryside talkage
Fox talkage
Icon huntage - must find a theme first!
Make that goddam cake!
Come up with my own version of the Buffy shovel talk - since hats are already taken maybe I could get a new pair of gloves out of it? Or does Dru have any threateningy quotable quotage that I could run away with?
Lastly, I've been thinking about the last on-line quiz test result. If I have to be anyone from Jem - can I be Stormer? Please? Brilliant hair, fishnets, musical talent/creativity and wicked without being all brat/bitch/evil. Although there would be times I'd want to turn around and punch the shit out of Pizzazz and Roxy.
Is it scary I remember a cartoon this well?