Sep 01, 2007 02:06
Yeah, so me and the boy had a real good day today. We hung out and ate while mamma went and got a pedicure, watched some TV, then went to the park.
It was awesome to walk him the half mile to that park. He held my hand and insisted on walking the entire way. As we walked he called out things he knew, "Dog!", "Cat!", "Airplane!", "Car!". He was spot on with Airplane too. He called that one out and pointed right at it. Anyway, we got to the park and swung on a swing and slid down a slide. After that he climbed up a ladder that bigger kids fall off of. My boy has no fear.
So, we leave the park and start walking the half mile back to the house. He's holding my hand and calling out all of the things he sees and knows just like the way there. Then he trips on the sidewalk and falls litterally onto his face. I heard his little face hit the sidewalk. Not wanting to freak him out, I grab him up and dust him off and tell him he's fine then continue walking him home. I knew he had busted his lip but he wasn't hurt too bad. When we got home I cleaned his lip up and that's when I noticed his broken tooth.
Yes, my beautiful son broke his front left tooth.
I about shit but kept it together in front of him. I finished cleaning his lip up and got him a teething ring out of the freezer. As he was sucking on the teether, I called my mom and asked her if I should take him to the hospital. She suggested that if it were jagged, which it is, I should go ahead and take him. So, I packed him up and we took him to the ER.
Now, don't let it be said that I think my son's broken tooth is an actual emercency. I was worried that he'd hurt his lip worse with his jagged broken tooth. Needless to say, the ER said he'd be fine. His lip was split but would heal and that we'd have to take him to a dentist to get his tooth fixed. Oh yeah, and there's a good chance his tooth might just fall out. So, now my beautiful son has a jagged broken tooth that has to stay jagged and broken until Tuesday when I can get him to a dentist.
Why do I write this blog you might ask? Well, I feel like crap about it. Honestly, there wasn't anything I could do about it. He tripped and lost his grip on my hand. That doesn't stop me from feeling like an ass. I could've put him in the stroller for the walk there and back I guess but he's so independent... Oh well.. Let's hope the dentist is good and can make his tooth better soon.
Thanks for reading.
p.s. I hope to God my brother doesn't read this. He'd kill me for bitching. (It's sort of an inside story.)