(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 17:46

Are you being the genuine you when I see you at that party? Or is it the pills, alcohol, weed and all the other party favors that come with a "party". Are you true to yourself at the least? When I look at you, is that a mask? When you return the stare are you actually seeing me? What happens when to many people wearing masks go meet at a party? Then we have ourselves alil mascaraed party where no one really knows who the other is. As life goes on that mask that you used to wear so tightly will shatter like porcelain hitting a cement floor.
My mask is gone for the most part. There are parts of me that I still hide. There are certain people that I wear my mask infront of. The sooner you shed the costume skin and stand tall as yourself is when you know...you have grown. You never stop growing in life. You grow until your final breath. Some of the realizations I've come to is that Pride is just a wall that prevents growth. Pride is stubborn and selfish. Envy is a pathetic waste of time. Sure, we would NEVER admit that we actually envy someone else but that doesn't change the fact that it's there and you need to be rid of it. It will eat at your soul. Let it out. Wrath...something I lived by for years. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time. Let go of your past and escape your inner demons. Trying to prove yourself with violence or just plain ol' lashing out does take it's toll on ones own heart. You have a heart no matter how much wrath clouds it. Set your heart free and live with it as your greatest tool. Clarity...you need to sometimes step out of the box and look around. See where you are and question it.
"Is this where I wanna be?"
"Are these people I want to surround myself with?"
"Am I benefiting from what I do day to day?"
"Is it taking me anywhere?"

My friends that I see in inner conflict...shed your skin of lies. Live in truth. Only in truth can we attain what we seek in life. Don't hide a smile because you are to "hard". Don't smile if you do not mean it. You are living this life for you...not an audience. I don't know where all this came from. My daytime sobriety maybe. Find peace my friends.

Written by E
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