Jul 02, 2013 02:08
Hi guys! So this is my first post on livejournal but I thought I would just talk about something that has been getting pretty popular in Singapore recently. That thing is...
Oh yeah my number one addiction!! Sorry guys but this post might be rather rambly because once I start talking about Taobao I just can't stop! Anyways ever since I started buying from tb(gonna call it tb from now on because I'm getting lazy from typing it out hahah), I hardly ever buy things from shops in Singapore anymore.
So far I have ordered from tb 6 times and each time the total has been about $200-300? Yikes I know DDDDD: But not all the items are mine! I help my sister and friends order too. Plus I have an instashop @thymeandhoney where I do preorders too! So that's why the cost is so high. But on average I buy about 30 items each time. I have this horrible habit where I like an item but can't decide which colour to get. So what do I do? BUY BOTH. HAHAHHA. That's how i deal with my indecisiveness :P
Oh by the way, I use Peeka.sg to order. It's pretty good. Here's a list of pros and cons because I'm lazy to write complete sentences.
Super easy interface - plop in your link and ta-dahhh!
Constant updates
Delivery to your house whoot whoot
Good customer service - relatively quick replies
Best exchange rate - at least that's what they claim hahah
Quality control - one of my items had stains and the lady sent it back for an exchange for me :)
GST - not sure if other agents have this!
Handling fee of 5% - basically their agent fee I suppose
Sometimes they take a long time to purchase the orders and to ship out the items
For example if you send in your order on friday, it may only be purchased on monday/tuesday. Then if all your items arrive on a friday, you gotta wait until monday/Tuesday for it to packed and shipped. So that adds up to about 4-7days delay. Which is a huge deal for me because I'm impatient hahah.
All in all, Peeka's easy interface is why I haven't left hahah.
Anyways, I will be doing a post for each order from Taobao I have made (and will be making teehee). I will post only what I have bought for myself and what I think about the items and the total cost and shipping and stuff.
Okays! Toodles! See you in the next post :))