you learn something new every day
Today I learned that there's
a company in town that offers synthetic lawns. Like, Astroturf at home. Not so surprising, I guess, but I think their marketing strategy is pretty interesting: Conservez votre eau et jetez votre tondeuse qui pollue jusqu'a 100 fois plus qu'une simple voiture! *
The environmental angle, interrresting. I was thinking I'd just get a pushmower, or maybe landscape with native plants that don't require watering or mowing. But imagine how much more environmentally friendly it would be to fill the world with MORE non-biodegradable plastic!
*Of course they don't back up this claim in any way. It's probably true for gas mowers but not electric mowers and push mowers. Also, although a gas mower might pollute more than a car, most people drive more than they mow their lawns...