May 03, 2008 08:27
i just slept my entire week off.
firstly, LIVE LOUNGE SUCKS AND CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF. i missed out on seeing a friend's band (who never comes to ottawa anymore because they're getting big) because the bouncer wouldn't let us in based on the fact that both mine and eric's health cards are expired. i've NEVER heard that one before. i was worried that they wouldn't take the cards at all, but no, apparently it was only because they were expired. idiots.
secondly, i'm still having issues at work. BUT something amazing happened.
as some of you know there have been problems at my job from day one. particularly with the guys who are supposed to be working for me and how they just wont listen to me. so on thursday i sat down with my boss and told him that something needs to be done. my title needs to be made clear to them. and to me. it turns out that i am actually their supervisor and unfortunately none of us were ever told that. so the plan was to sit down with them on monday and explain to them that they work for me and don't have the right to lash out at me like they do (which i've been telling the manager about since day one but has always been shrugged off)
Heres the amazing part...
the worst of the two for mood swings actually started talking back to the manager and then threw a fit on me because i apparently hadn't been doing enough. finally a manager got to see what i've been dealing with since the start. i think until that point they were all just assuming that i was being too sensitive.
the best part is that he completely defended me. "well, what exactly are you expecting her to do? pull things down from the bins in the lift trucks? build the furniture? move a bedroom set? I want to know what you think she should be doing." he just stuttered over and over and then said that he couldn't put it into words which was shot back with, "Thats because you don't actually have anything to say"
then the guy actually had the nerve to start bitching about how i asked if there was anything that i could help them with and that i had tried to find other people to give them a hand. i think his point was that i wasn't doing enough because i had time to try to help. again he was shot down with, "Well... thats her job."
The manager came to find me later to tell me that he was happy to have seen what i've been talking about.
it was just so satisfying.
so i think this weekend i'm just going to relax and try to paint something.