А тем временем "Нитроплюс" взяли и объявили, что снимут анимэ про собственного маскота:
The staff of the Japanese software maker Nitroplus confirmed on Saturday that a television anime adaptation of its Super Sonico mascot has been green-lit. Nitroplus already opened a website for "SoniAni -Super Sonico the Animation-", which was first announced at the Nitro Super Sonic 2013 event earlier in the day.
Super Sonico is the mascot girl of the "Nitro Super Sonic" events held by Nitroplus. In her back story, she is already a photoshoot model, game character, and a musician, even as she studies as a college student. She is also part of a three-piece girl band named "Daiichi Uchuu Sokudo" (Fastest Speed in Space) as the vocalist and guitarist.
Так что ждём:
PS но когда ж нам, наконец, снимут про Мику и её отношения с Лукой Мэгуринэ?!