The October issue of Kadokawa's Young Ace magazine is announcing on Tuesday that a manga adaptation of BBC's Sherlock television series will debut in the next issue on October 4. The manga artist "Jay." is launching the manga with an adaptation of "Study in Pink," the show's first episode which was scripted by Doctor Who writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.
The BBC series takes Arthur Conan Doyle's brilliant yet idiosyncratic detective and re-imagines him in modern-day London. Benedict Cumberbatch (Atonement, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2013 Star Trek sequel) and Martin Freeman (The Office, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Hobbit) star as Sherlock and his friend Dr. Watson, respectively. There have been two seasons of three 90-minute episodes, with plans for a third season.
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