Okay, I'll let everyone know that I like odd ships. I do not conform to the norm. I do not read any Hermione/Ron fics. Never have, never will. They just don't fit in my mind. I figure that he's too hot headed, she's too rational. They fight too much. I'd give them 2-4 weeks max, if they ever managed.
The very first hp fic I ever read was called Falling Further In (FFI) by kaz2 on fanfiction.net. I didn't exactly know who or what it involved, I had just clicked a link. It turned out to be a HG/SS fic. Now, I have very little doubt that many a person who may read this would like to gouge their eyes, and scour their brains. However, I actually enjoyed the fic. It seemed somewhat plausible, or at least not completely cruel and bizarre. I actually prefer stories where Hermione has already left school, however this was written so that she left school and then after great efforts, became involved with Severus.
Later, I wound up finding another of the same ship. Called the twenty. It unlike FFI is complete. It is well written, has a good plot, and is quite frankly a wonderful fic.
These are the links:
Falling Further In -
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/532103/1/The Twenty -
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1844462/1/ Just so you know, I read pretty much anything that isn't HG/RW, though I don't read anything that pairs Hermione with Voldemort. Some stories can be highly plausible, however, some, I read just to see if the author can make any sense at all of the ship. For the fun of it.