Personal Slash Reading History

Aug 17, 2008 13:04

This morning I felt in the mood to recall my slash reading history - which authors I read at which stage and what an effect the stories had on me.  I wrote it down like it came to my mind - will not have it beta-ed, since it's just a personal entry - and now I think I like to post it, even though I'm not quite ready with it (but need a break). So, if you're not mentioned, doesn't mean I didn't read and like your stories. Already now I can think of some more stories and writers that influenced me in various regards and don't appear in this 'slash-reading bio' yet. I didn't link to LJ users and stories because LJ currently mixes all the text up when I do so. But if someone is interested in certain links I'll provide them for you.

Personal Slash Reading History - Favourite Authors

I discovered the world of Slash in summer 2004. Incidentally, like many of us, I stumbled over LotR Slash while googling information on Viggo. So it started with LotR slash for me and I stayed hooked until today. Of course the first stories I came across where VigOrli. Most of them were very good and I enjoyed them, but after a few weeks I happened to read a threesome with Viggo, Orli and Sean. I still know the title - it was ‘Keeping secrets’, but I don’t remember the author’s name, so I can’t give her credit. Which is a pity, considering I owe her a lot of fun! - because reading the story was a crucial moment in my slash career: afterwards I knew I want Viggo and Sean together! They were ex-lovers in the fic, with Orli being Viggo’s new lover, but lusting after Sean, too … and Viggo generously creating the opportunity for him (and then taking him together with Sean).

Though I began to feel that VigBean is my poison, after that story I initially thought I’m into threesomes and moresomes  - for some reason, I didn’t expect my fantasies to be monogamous J - and I found jennandanica’s great Bend and Break series with Viggo and Sean as the main pairing, but featuring others, too. Shortly afterwards I discovered Foofy’s fics on mirrormere, and niceandfluffy (Foofy) became the first author I was a real fan of. Though I couldn’t ignore the fact any longer that I wanted Orlando out of the way when I read the Smack the Dog series, till today I very much love her unique mix of kink and humour! She has written some unforgettable VigBean.

It was niceandfluffy who rec’ed The Shut up series by Vivi and Nienor to me, which utterly blew me away. At this time, the kink was almost too ‘heavy’ for me (I thought at the start) and I didn’t get over what Sean did with Viggo in the chapter Quartet, but the writing, the language are simply fantastic. I thought the musical terms as titles of the chapters are very appropriate, because these authors knew how to deal with rhythm and speed and emotional ‘tunes’ of words and sentences. They also create an extremely intense tension between the characters. Reading Shut up I first realised that I can deal with and even enjoy the hardest kink as long as there is role change and/or power balance.

On mirrormere, I met Ashlyn or thevixenne, whose beautiful style totally drew me in. She was the one who encouraged my first attempts in writing slash and I can’t even begin to tell how much our collaboration as sisters in slash means to me. Together with thevixenne, I came from mirrormere to LJ and rugbytackle, after realising that rt was the best place for us to find fellow-VigBeaners. Nevertheless I encountered some other great VigBean-stories on mirrormere, by brigantine, fawsley and rocketbalm. During this time, I also had my first experiences with ‘dark fic’, by Bluekat/strangekitties (Varg) and by alexabond who also wrote beautiful romance. I found fascinating aspects in their writing, and admire the way they create atmosphere, though for me personally I realised that I need role-change in a BDSM relationship or else it gets me depressed.

In these first days that I also read kirby crow’s AraBoro on some FPS pages and I’m not at all surprised that she’s become a successful author. Her way with words is exceptionally good, and the erotic power in her stories enticed me. Then there was helens78, who is an especially remarkable writer in my eyes, because she can write a very laconic, concise and ‘dry’ style, which nevertheless carries the strongest emotions and dramatic conflicts. But some of these writers moved away from the VigBean fandom and I looked out for new good stories with my OTP.

I still remember, when I first visited rt and checked out authors, I spent a whole day on liars dance’s LJ, reading her stories and the collaborations with moldava, and then came back the next days, lost in this world and ‘living’ within the stories, more than once moved to tears (but in a good way). I think never cried as many happy tears while reading like with the stories by liars dance and moldava, and I’m convinced that these tears are very good for mental health and psychological balance!

One of my early slash friends was lab_jazz, with whom change emails since I had posted my first story. She wrote her story The Journey a while later. Her writing had a strong impact on me, because often it directly hits on my libido, connects with my sexuality immediately. I like the way she leaves all decorum aside, her style is pure and honest and thus contains a certain strength and powerful erotic charge.

I will readily admit that it’s the utmost contrast to the romantic stories I mentioned earlier. But I realised that unlike some slash fans who have certain exclusive preferences and either like ‘dark’ stories and/or kink or fluffy stories and ‘schmoop’ only, I need and like all kind of stories. They all satisfy different needs.

At this point I entered the realm of the VigBean goddess helena_s_renn. I must admit I almost wouldn’t have read Viggo sucks because I didn’t like the title and Helena assured it’s an all-over PWP, so she did her best to hide the fact that it is one of the most deeply moving and truly passionate love stories ever written, with overwhelmingly beautiful sex scenes. Since then I read everything she writes. To me, Helena is one of the best authors I know not only as a slash author, but even compared to the famous names in official literature. Her way with words and the inherent melody in her language are pure beauty.

New writers joined the VigBean fandom and with govi20 and mooms I discovered my pleasure with another genre: humorous domestic fic. Neither humour nor domestic scenes I can write myself, but I totally love to read domestic humour! govi20 and mooms wrote some of the best dialogues I ever read. Yet, I also enjoy the more complex and psychologically deeper and sometimes a bit darker stories of either of them.

Lots of highly interesting and talented writers posted (and some of the still post) on rt: shegollum never failed to surprise me and is just an helluva writer who manages everything: complicated plot, brilliant dialogues, emotional drama and hot sex! brigantine wrote some wonderful, genial stories full of the most original ideas, fawsley proved likewise multi-talented: besides inventing the most stunning VigBean scenarios, she wrote masterly AraBoro and perfect drabbles. The art of drabbles was developed to the highest level also by ribby.

I remember very impressive stories by brainofck, and seleneheart, first class writers who changed to other fandoms shortly after I joined rt. telesilla and padawanhilary also posted strong and beautifully written VigBean. I remember very admirable stories by archet, ullman, rsharpe and dock leaf, and I know there were other authors whose stories I loved, and would remember if I came across their names, but can’t recall immediately because they only posted a few times in the years I was on rt. phytha, ladybluelove and marius come to my mind, the names are connected with particular stories I liked, though they didn’t post as many stories as other authors. The VigBean of afra_schatz I always appreciate a lot, including the collaborations with irrlicht. I like it that there’s often a special landscape or surrounding in her/their stories, which is beautifully captured and described and underlines the plot and emotions. The great writers shrinetolust and widdershin weren’t around very often anymore when I entered fandom, still I came to know and admire some of their work. I recall a few remarkable stories by angiepen with exciting and interesting plots. In a very different way, makamu came up with story concepts that were worth to think about a bit longer. I always learned something profound that hadn't to do with just slash from her stories.
I had a lot of fun with the story by nverland and ranger_girl0301 where Viggo and Sean are into car races.

There was a time when I strode a bit to the side and read in other fandoms. Every time I noticed that there are lots of fandoms with many, many astonishing, incredible talented authors, but I never fell in love with the pairing like I’m in love with VigBean. Some of my LJ friends weren’t VigBeaners, like bijouatweb, patih and ian_howe, or not primarily into VigBean. I acknowledge their talent as writers, and I have read some of their stories, but I’m glad I didn’t/don’t need to read the other pairings to be LJ friends with them. I’ve read enough other fandoms and pairings to know that a lot of good writing exists out there, but I also know I can’t get into it like it happened with VigBean. That doesn’t mean I can’t read it with pleasure sometimes. salixbabylon is one of the ‘primarily-other-fandom’-writers I highly estimate, too. Another is willowwing, by whom I know only a few, but strong pieces of VigBean.

It was good to see new and really good writers come to rt. Often rifleman’s stories deeply touched my heart, they are just lovable! Some of foxrafer’s work I will never forget because of the maturity and depths of the stories. A language like cut out of gems is that of alex quine. Maybe some consider it a sacrilege saying this, but I personally think that her universe is as compellingly beautiful as Tolkien’s, but with much more erotic appeal. A very interesting author for me is stormatdusk. She has the most surprising ideas and enormous writing skills - she has various styles at her disposal and adapts very cleverly to the subject at task.

I’m also glad that caras_galadhon has written new VigBean over the last year. When I came to rt, she and savageseraph didn’t post many stories or it was in intervals when I was absent, so I only discovered their writing abilities later. They each have their own style, but they have some things in common: both create powerful scenes and dramatic emotional dynamic with short, but intense scenes. There is no superfluous word.

So far for now … maybe I'll feel like elaborating more on the subject later :), - for example I didn't come to the 'original slash' stories I read at all - but the sun is shining and I need to go swimming!

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