Fans of the sonic series are like most sega fans, we want their old games brought back to the glory days when sega was pretty much the power in video games. Seeing the gameplay of sonic 4 has made many of us realize what we already knew, Sonic 4 will simply not be anywhere near as good as the original sonic games. Either way, We will decide to finally show sega what the fans truly want. A real sonic 4, as long as sonic 4 stays the way it is, we will not buy it, we will in fact buy sonic 1 on release in protest of sonic 4, till we end up with a re tool, or change, we want sonic in hd, not sonic RUSH HD. We will not buy a future sonic game, till we get a true successor to sonic 1/2
Best parts bolded for emphasis. Which is like half of it.
I love it. They're delusional. They believe that Sega was ever "the power in video games" which I guess means they were the leading video game company, which never happened. They decided after the first teaser that Sonic 4 was going to be Sonic Rush 3. (Which I would buy, by the way, because Sonic Rush is hella fun.) They think the best way to protest Sega is to buy their old re-released games for the millionth time.
My favourite bit is the last part. Notice they want a true successor to Sonic 1 and 2, and not 3. Apparently they're so oldschool that even Sonic 3 is too new and different and awful and ruined.
It's amazing. There are two very distinct groups of Sonic fantards. The post-Adventure Sonic slashfic furries who wank over the thought of Knuckles fucking Rouge in the throat, and the unpleasable pre-Adventure Sonic purists who think the devil has green eyes. I love the internet.