morphine or weed??

Feb 20, 2005 23:08

I think it is time for another dose of morphine....yes the doctors have me on the hard shit now. Did you know that morphine is physically addictive?? I always know when the 3 hour mark hits because I start to get really hot and sweaty,,my head gets dizzy like the spins after too much drinking, I even sometimes hallucinate. And don't even get me started on the side effects after I swallow the jagged little pill.

We watched a video in my sociology class called "Refer Madness". It was about how some people in the States have gotten lincenses to grow marajuana for their medical problems. The video was very informative,,,,this guy with MS was shaking like crazy and as soon as he smoked a big fatty his tremors stopped cold. Weed gave this cancer patient an appetite for the first time since kimo, it cured a boy from epeleptic seizures, and an aids patient's nausea was pretty much erased.

Weed has scientifically way less side effects than anything they have been giving me thats for sure. If it was discovered today it would be considered a modern day miracle. The only reason they arn't legalizing it is because everyone would grow their own,,,no one would make any money off it. Poor pharmaseutical companies right.

Some people....some people I have a lot of respect for who don't actually smoke weed,,,have told me about this substitute for my pain and my nausea. When you are feeling this sick for a week and 1/2 you feel desperate at times....the option sounds tempting.

Keep taking the morphine that makes me nauseous, hallucinate, and form a physical dependancy....or smoke a little illegal maryjane? I could embrace food again, not feel nauseous, be happy and carefree for the first time since my surgery. The down side is,,,it isn't the greatest for the lungs which can infact repair themselves..and it might make me feel lazy and unmotivated, which doesn't bother me cause I can't leave the house and do anything that takes energy.

Anybody have any opinions on the matter???
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