Apr 16, 2004 21:17
hah im so pissed at 2 kids 2 kids that were suppose to be my friends but i guess not on the day that i was suppose to be so happy its ruined by a stupid that well.... "Just because you have problem with Chelsea Jay dont mean you have to be a bitch to Mel. Just because she has other freinds dont mean you should be a bitch to her. Its ok for you to go to fucking ever where with fucking everyone how do you think she feels? you need to fucking grow up!"
haha zac and mel wrote that to me and well im going to answer everything
ZAC has no fucking right to say anything all he is is a little bitch (Fuck You you wonder why i talk shit on you because your a fucking flamer and i really dont care to EVER talk to you again)
but then well this all started because i was explaining what was going on tonight and i told liz that chelsea was going over to mel so we started talking about chelsea because we dont like her (and its not because she friends with mel)theres obvious reasons *cough SLUT cough* but ya we didnt even say anything about mel but no zac had to go start sturing his shit
he is the reason me and mel were fighting the first time and now when i swear i dont want to talk to either of them ever again
think how she feels she leaves e for chelsea everytime and im shit on her shoe at school they way she acts to me but think how she feels right now i dont give a flying fuck how she feels i was alway the one that bent over back wards to talk to her and over summer time let me guess she was the only 1 that was hurting well you left me when you went to where ever you went then you were always with chelsea and you always knew i hated her but you insisted she came along but i was the 1 breaking down everyday crying in my room because i couldnt do anything with my friends but i have to think about the way she feels FUCK YOU BOTH you pull this shit on me again i should of seen it are both stupid bastard and well
haha and you act like im the bad person i never told mel that she shouldnt hang out with chelsea like you told me with jill seriously mel stick up for yourself and your just a backstabber you talk so much shit on every1 and you tell deep secrets your a real friend huh BITCH Kiss your warped tour ticket good bye well even or friendship im depressed because of my friends or people who say there my friend your the only 2 that bitch about me being a bitch maybe if you pull you heads out of your asses you could see its not just me
read some of my song its all about fucked up friends and thats you to How could you tell some1 your friend and do that to them well dont consider me your friends anymore im sick you 2 fucking me over and making me feel like shit and you should know how i am by now but guess not
im out
on other good news just got back from the battle of the band andrews band needs a new drummer they were all good but the drummer like the band would be alot better
but the last bands the drummer is now my rolemodel i want to play just like him he was soooooooo good thats the only reason im really chilled i would of bitched alot more but im so happy i saw them play now i want to start this band even more we bought there cd i cant wait to hear it but in all it was good...
im out goodnight lata