
Mar 21, 2012 15:45

Sarcasm. Irony. Wit. Sinister charm. No moral epicenter? Are you suggesting he doesn't have morals? Because he does. They just aren't yours. Remorse? For the weak. Regrets? A few, but not what you'd think they should be. (Pretty much killing his friend's puppy. Because that was an accident. And yeah, that's about it). Genocide? Kind of a waste of money but amusing and necessary to the Greater Good in a 'circumnavigating the plan' sort of way.

Wait. Genocide is circumnavigating the plan? I thought he was a Nazi. Nazi's only wanted to murder everyone ever. YOU ARE NOT GETTING YOUR CANON RIGHT. OK, well. First of all, I am still pretty new to Red Skull. I admit this. Played and obsessed over him for like, 8 months, but my experience is clips from the 1990 Captain America movie that no one remembers, the 'First Avenger' movie of fantastic orgasmic delight (though he was pretty much nothing like comic Skull he was still EPIC WIN), and the new series by Gregory Pak, 'Red Skull Incarnate.' Also the 'First Avenger' movie which, while amazing, I took nothing from but his extended love of shimmering doom-weapons. This and looking up quotes on the comic databases. So if I am getting things wrong, despite intensive research with what I can have at this moment, please do let me know! Keep in mind that I am not playing the old, ugly, card throwing Red Skull, nor am I even sticking directly to canon development, because I take him from a redefined past, from the origins comic man previous fans probably haven't read yet, and developed him in a previous game to this. But there are things that I will KNOW that I am not getting wrong, and those will be the insights I can offer to history, Nazi Germany, and the Third Reich. Ahem, so. When I talk about Schmidt's priorities, plans, beliefs, etc, in regards to that of being a Nazi, please regard with a disturbed but open mind the information bestowed.

So then. Genocide. Skull is, undoubtedly, a psychotic bastard. But in a controlled-crazy sort of way, like Hannibal Lecter, as opposed to a twitchy-freak way, like Mojo (this is Mojo). But like Hannibal with a deformed face, super-strength, and an aspiration to succeed where Hitler failed...and dream a little bigger.

So Genocide. A means to an end. Mostly, he delights in the suffering and agony of others. Any goals of massive death-tolls now is simply an attempt to wipe out the large amount of people who could rise against him. It isn't because 'oh it's what we did in Germany.' Or because 'oh being a National Socialist totally means we have to hate and kill everyone.' Because it doesn't. If he approved of it during WWII it was because: 1) Hitler wanted it, and he would have done anything to please him; 2) death...suffering...*giggle*; 3) it proved his worth, his competency, his loyalty - which gave him honor, control, and more power; 4) was he supposed to care to stop it? I think he might have largely considered it a silly diversion and waste of time and money, but, other than that...much as it amused him, his focus was on other aspects of the war.

All of this said. Red Skull isn't setting out to destroy mankind just to watch the world burn. He doesn't have any stronger sense of love for humanity than the Joker does, and so it isn't that he doesn't WANT to watch the world burn, it is merely a desire to have something to pour in his pool of success and power to swim in later that keeps him from terrorizing all of Earth aimlessly. He is both more frightening for his legitimate desire for change and power, but also weaker for his need for plan and purpose. If he simply wanted to kill and destroy, he'd have been successful the last time around. Or this is my opinion.

Folks, if this guy met Harvey Dent, he'd stare at him, cackle, step in close to his face, dab at the man's good cheek with a gloved-thumb and whisper, "I think you missed a spot." And probably then proceed to throw red-dust in his face because it amuses him and really, man be tryin' to steal his image. (Good thing Two-Face is DC, not Marvel).

On the subject of DC, Johann is VERY MUCH like the Joker (in terms of sense of humor). He is largely defined (at least in-person) by his absolute desert-dry, wicked sarcasm and cruel humor. I don't care who you are, it is impossible not to chuckle in your head at least a LITTLE. Here are some quotes from various sources, because I love you all:

    The Red Skull: [on seeing Captain America for the first time] Good, an American. Just when I am needing help of my English lessons.
    Scarlet Witch: Ehm, excuse me. Why are you the only guy here that speaks English?
    Red Skull: Ach, I had a free block after chemistry.

    Captain America: Red Skull? I can't believe somebody found you and thawed you out.
    Red Skull: And I can't believe you're still wearing that ridiculous suit, with the little wings that go flippity, flippity, flippity.

    Red Skull: [to Dr. Doom] Grocier Schnitzel, you are ugly.
    M.O.D.O.K.: Has he looked in the mirror?

    Red Skull: [after the President Kimball discovers he's had a radio-transmitter planted into his tooth] Hmm. Painlessly removed from a lower-right molar. This one. While you were unconscious. [Kimball stirs in his chair] And so easily deactivated. But don't worry, next time we'll have it made in Japan.

    Red Skull: Mother Night lives for such abuse from me.

    Red Skull: What is this mad obsession with freedom?
Underneath his super-onion layers of sarcasm and studied charm is a very psychotic, demented, and tortured soul. When not playing his audiences or attempting to amuse/disturb, in private, Johann spends most of his time frowning, smoking, drinking. He is not an alcoholic, needing to keep his senses sharp and always alert. He has become paranoid after the fall of the Reich and death of his Führer. He was before as well, but in the passing of what he considered to be immortal, indestructible things, he is all too aware how confidence can be the downfall of even the greatest of men, and nations (not that anyone besides himself would consider Hitler and the Third Reich as such). Despite his gratitude and admiration, I will quickly mention that he was hardly oblivious to Hitler's onslaught of characteristic and commanding flaws; he would have been more privy to them and the irritations of working with him than anyone else, save Joseph Goebbels - Possibly Himmler as well but it is unknown if he exists in the same world as Red Skull, it is somewhat my opinion that Skull is his more humane and relatable replacement. While not given the rank of Reichsführer or charged as head of the SS, he was certainly Himmler's equal, and possibly his replacement. He answered to the Führer himself, and no one else.

Also in private, or when uncontrollably scorned, he has a temper and wrath along the lines of Ultimate Magneto. Part of this is due to his learned nature from his fail childhood, but most of it is a permanently etched reflection of the man who took him under his wing (Hitler) and made him the devious specimen of power he has become.

If Johann develops any allies in this game, to a level of which he might see fit to act like himself here and there, you may see this side, with hollow eyes of despair, and an enraged brow that hints of self-loathing and the pains of being used and betrayed by the man whom for which he dedicated a reason to live, and created a persona of greatness and power, to be shaped and molded at his will. Hitler's existence appeared in young Johann's life right when he was at his rebellious prime and the peak of his youthful angst, and gave him focus, purpose, and training. Though never self-destructive but more so explosive, he was certainly nearing a breaking point. In many ways he is the ghost of a dead boy in a scarred body possessed by the spirit of satanic-charm and the blackest desires of the Third Reich.

Actually, that is exactly what he is.
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