Aug 05, 2005 17:07
I was thinking today...
There are two types of people in my life.
Those that will miss me
those that won't even know I was there.
Good ol' Jeff. Tomarrow is my last day and he told me after work today that he was gonna miss me the most out of his crew. I guess you can say he is one of the few. He went out of his way to show me everything I needed to know to work construction. Measurements, How to cut and hang drywall. Even a little bit of frameing work.
Tomarrow I work, even if we're done in 5 hours I get paid for 8. Im getting Time and a half so its 15 bucks an hour.
I think I remember where I lost my happyness.
As I sit here thinking of my past, I wonder if its thinking of me as well.