Some film-inspired fandom introspection

Jul 14, 2009 19:12

Movie excitement is in the air. And yes, I'm quite excited about the movie, even though I'm trying to keep my expectations low. It's mostly a good excuse to hang out with friends and fans and relive the books, then leave the theater debating all the ways the director went wrong. :) In the spirit of things, I've added hbpchallenge and azkatrazathome to my flist, both of which look like a lot of fun.

And all of this is making me realize something.  I'm a relative newbie to HP fandom; I started lurking here around two years ago.  Since then, I feel like I've found a comfortable little niche for myself, and I think I even have a grasp on the vast, ever-changing fandom topography.  But this new movie release is totally unchartered territory for me.  The fact is that I've never been in HP fandom during the release of new material.  Which seems really odd to me, but it's true - I came on board after the 7th book and 5th film.  So I'm really excited for this new experience, of being part of fandom at large and watching it evolve as it aborbs something new.  (Even though I know a lot of fans could care less about the movies. :) )

I guess the new film is making me introspective, lol.  I'm off to eat dinner, then I'm on my way to the theater. :D

communities, rambling, hpb

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