What's going on with Don't Explain

Aug 16, 2012 23:06

So, I know I mentioned to a few people that I was hoping to have the final chapter of Don't Explain off to the betas before the week was out. Sadly, that's not going to happen. This past month has been one of the busiest months I've had in the last...five years? When you freelance, you don't have much control over how your work piles up, or when. And I've been working non-stop for the last two weeks solid.

Which is not to say I'm complaining. I'm just offering my meager excuses for not posting when I said I might. At this point, my options are to finish it now, or actually get some sleep, and I think I have to choose sleep. My new schedule (and yes, I'm actually writing this into my schedule) is to finish the pre-beta draft Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

So sorry, everyone! If you've been reading along, your patience is infinitely appreciated. Honestly, with my track record, I probably shouldn't be allowed to write WIPs anymore. :)


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