(I don't know how many people really surf across this journal, but I thought I'd try posting it here before asking at the main comm.)
I've been working on a Sherlock story, longish, about a third to a half written, and I think I'm almost ready to post the first chapter. But I've been writing without a beta reader for a while now, and I think it would be really nice to have one of those again. Any takers?
The story is nothing earth shattering - it's basically the consequences of Sherlock's return after TRF, presuming that he and John were romantically involved before his death. Here's the summary that will probably be posted with the story:
Three years later, John had a girlfriend, a new job, and a new life, and just because his ex wasn’t dead didn’t mean they were going to go right back to the way things used to be.
So...a lot of angst, a lot of John POV, a lot of slooow forgiveness or lack thereof, and Mary will be a main character. I think it'll be somewhere around eight chapters, which means it hasn't been written, but there is a plan! I'm mostly looking for grammar checks and brit picking, but I also appreciate some good constructive criticism if you feel so inclined, and also I'm not afraid of large edits.
If you think you might be interested, leave a comment or drop me a message!