I dyed my hair pitch Leather black again yesterday, with Feria. I really hope I don't go bald....
Anyway, I went to church this morning. I nearly had cardiac arrest when my mom shook me away like the entire house was on fire, saying all urgently, "Hurry UP, you're late for church!" Unlike normal families, we wake each other in the morning by generally disregarding that other people are still sleeping by thundering up and down the stairs, or lighting the toaster on fire and sending smoke through the house...or violently shaking each other.
I went to the contemporary service. My body temperature went up about 6 degrees when the priest started handing out tambourines to everybody to play with the musicians at the end, and my aunt pointed at me and was like, "This girl wants one!" I did that thing where you put your head down and try not be seen, like in school when you don't want to be picked as somebody's partner. Hahaha.
Also, I bought my Sex Pistols CD, finally. It's so old, it only cost about eight dollars. When was the last time a CD was eight dollars and not on the 75%-off sale section? I really love their music. Punk music has that edgy and nonconformist quality to it that makes you feel like head banging, and really makes you into it. Pop music is completely apathetic.
My favorite song on the CD has to be God Save the Queen, or Sub-Mission. There's something about the Pistols that's in-your-face and completely chaotic and amazing...no other punk band has ever been able to get away with that.
I'm still working on my National Poetry Series poems. Everyone I know seems to be rallying me and supporting me [sort of]. I've written many poems, but over half are drafts. I am one of those people who are constantly reworking and reinventing things and are never just satisfied with the final product. I think I'm almost done. Wish me luck!