Things have actually gotten a bit better since the memorial is over. We went out today and I FINALLY figured out my plan to get Invisalign [don't laugh!!] which is a huge relief. I'm thrilled I'm a candidate for it - my teeth aren't actually that bad, but I'd like to fix the little imperfections. Also, I have a slightly unaligned bite in my back teeth on the left side. The right side's normal but my left back teeth are off. That's so like me. Sigh...
Anyway, Invisalign's great. And so is my Ortho. He's gorgeous. XD They were super-friendly. They said my slight crowding and embarrassingly long two front teeth [LOL, it's apparently unnoticeable to everyone else] will be pushed up. Yes, that sounds pleasant. But it's worth it in the end. It'll be better for me down the road....How depressing, thinking about worrying over my appearance for my future BF ;--;
Here's a meme taken from my friend
akitotsubaki . Time for something a bit light-hearted, compared to all the sad and morose subject matter I've been posting. :)
Fill it out and post it in a comment here, then re-post at your journal, and I'll do the same:
1. Name:
2. Birthday:
3. Where you live:
4. What makes you happy:
5. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
6. Do you read my journal?
7. If yes, what makes it especially good or bad?:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment?:
10. Favourite place to spend time:
11. Favourite lyric:
12. A memory you'd like to share (nice, funny, embarrassing, special, whatever!):
13. How did we meet here?
14. LOL: Have I, since you've known me, ever corrupted you into any kind of music/person/show/fandom? If so, what was it?
1. A film:
2. A book:
3. A band, a song, or album:
4. A TV show:
1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Look at my friends-list and tell what you like about one of our mutual friends:
4. Put this in your journal!