Title: Vicissitude
Author: Rot-chan
Genre: Drama/Romance
Summary: Sakura notices him. Watching her, eyes drained of light like two pinpricked stars. Uchiha Sasuke, the New Admission - sociopathic, it's replayed in her mind like a mantra. (AU)
Notes: gift-fic for my LJ friend Mikochan-noda.
omaewa 's gift fic is next (it got a little delayed and I apologize). Inspired heavily by the amazing film Girl, Interrupted, like my use of the word 'orderly' and my ideas about the wards. Prompt is from the Sasu/Saku kink meme: a sociopathic Sasuke becomes attracted to a nurse, Sakura, a requested AU.
**Edit: Sorry if you clicked and saw a messed up format. LJ's annoying. I decided to post my ff-link to read...so if you want to comment, just do it here. =)