Jun 25, 2007 15:30
Well i went to the doctors again today. after doing a blood test they came to two conclusions:
1. I did not have mono
2. I did have a virus, rather than a bacteria, and therefore did not require antibiotics.
damn. No antibiotics?
I'm definitely excited about not having mono. Mono scares me because it never really goes away. You can have "mono flashbacks" later on in life, kind of like acid flashbacks except worse.
But antibiotics are my friend. it seems like they always make things better. Too bad NOTHING can make a virus better except for time.
But for me, my throat seems to never stop hurting. I'll take 3 ibuprofens to no relief. Im like a freaking horse or something. My point being that, pain sucks and ive been in pain so i asked the doctor to at least prescribe me some pain killers cause ibuprofen wasnt cutting it and she was like, "well, do you want some vicodin?"
and i was like, "Hells YES!"
actually i didnt say that, but I was truthfully a little excited. Not just because i know vicodin can be used as a recreational drug but because i know it knocks out pain like a horse tranquilizer. (and by the way, have you ever thought about how weird the word tranquil-izer is? why isnt there a word called "happyizer"? As in "cigarettes are happyizers" or "will you light my happyizer?".) So anyway, she prescribed me a bottle of vicodin and i went home and ha..took some.
one, actually. but it was so nice to not be in pain for once. I havent been able to sleep because my throat is so sore. this shit i have must be the virus from hell. something they make science fiction movies about.
Anyway, Im focused on doing a couple of things this week, but basically sitting around to try and feel better. It's sucked so much the past few days...today was the first day that i actually socialized with someone for more than ten minutes haha. in person at least.
Speaking of science fiction movies, i've been watching a lot. They're fricken amazing omg. Cheesey ass old science fiction movies are my new lover i think. And the ones from the 80's have tv actors in them. Like one of the attorney's from Law and Order, Sam, played a small town cop studying to be a lawyer. HAHA wow. Or they have big name movies guys like Liam Neesen playing marvel comic characters.
Plus, old science fiction movies have old special effects- which are amazing. I love the way the animation looks back then and stuff. (That "and stuff" was added for comedic effect btw)
Anyway i seem to have no point.
Im gonna go eat and water TV and take some more vicodin.