[FIC] slow-wave sleep (Hank/Sean)

Jul 18, 2011 14:29

Title: slow-wave sleep
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Rating: T for some cursing.
Summary: Five times Hank (and the others) find Sean napping in the most random places, and one time Hank decides to join him. Late fill for this prompt on 1stclass_kink.
A/N: Lame story of the day: I'm listening to a song called Cheating On You and feeling like I'm cheating on my OTPs because I don't even ship this that hard (it's just that it was a cute prompt and I could really see Sean sleeping everywhere like the derp he probably is) don't judge me ok

“What the fuck is he doing?” Alex asks.

“Sleeping,” Darwin cheerfully answers, not looking up from his magazine.

“On the statue.”


That's how they find the redheaded kid--Sean?--one sunny afternoon: sitting on the statue’s base, legs on either side of the feet, and the rest of his body slumped into it. The side of his face is pressed up against the bronze legs, forming quite an attractive expression.

“I swear, that kid must be stoned all the time,” Alex mutters, sitting next to Darwin and trying to read over his shoulder.

Sean chews in his sleep and nuzzles the statue.

“Aw,” says Angel.

“This is even weirder than yesterday,” Darwin comments.


“I found him sleeping in the hallway. It freaked me out, I thought something was wrong with him.”

“God, he’s such an idiot,” Raven says affectionately.

Hank doesn’t say anything, just smiles and nods. Secretly he thinks Sean’s kind of cute, like a dopey ginger housecat.

(A dopey ginger housecat that runs in screaming half in hour, totally sunburnt.)




“Sean, wake up!”

Raven shakes his shoulder for extra measure.

“Buh?” Sean, curled up against the chimney, lifts his head and stares blearily at the three faces peering down at him.

“Way to fall asleep on the roof, dumbass,” Alex says.

“Yeah, not dangerous at all,” Raven adds.


Sean looks so lost. Hank sort of wants to pet him on the head.

“You fell asleep on the roof,” he explains, kinder than Alex had.

“Huh,” Sean mutters. He puts his head down and goes right back to sleep.

Hank sighs. Alex swears some more. Raven looks close to tears. Climbing up here took so long.


Training had been particularly hard today, and Hank wishes he could just pass out in his room like everyone else, but he has things to do. He has uniforms to adjust, some books to catch up on, and a few kinks in the jet engine to straighten out.

But the weather is lovely, so Hank decides to bring some work to the dining room, where he can get some breeze and sunshine from the massive windows.

He sets his things down, pulls out a chair--and finds a body lying on the floor under the table.

Hank’s first reaction is to freak out, and he lets out a pathetic little scream.

The body--whoever it is--rolls over and mumbles something.

Hank sighs in relief. But when he kneels down and sees that it’s Sean, it becomes a sigh of exasperation.

“Sean? What are you doing here?” he asks, poking Sean in the shoulder.

Sean glares at him. “Sleeping.”

“Under the table?”

“Is comfor’ble.” He stretches out, catlike, and yawns.

Only you, Hank wants to say, but Sean’s eyes have slipped closed again.

It’s not so bad, sitting on the dining room floor. You can still catch the sunlight and feel the wind, so Hank stays, next to Sean, and uses the nearby chairs as tables.

Fifteen minutes later, Hank realizes Sean has moved closer to his leg. He can practically feel the other boy’s breath, and even though his face is mostly covered with hair, Hank swears Sean is wearing a content little smile.


After a few weeks of similar incidents, they come to appreciate Sean’s afternoon naptimes. Sean is easily the loudest person in the mansion. Sonic screeching aside, he can talk for hours and hours on end about anything that’s on his mind at the moment.

Also, they learn he can break things with his voice when he sneezes. And that he’s allergic to pollen. Also, it’s springtime.

Charles’ collection of heirloom china shrinks rapidly over a period of three days.

(And Alex is still complaining that he’s lost some of his hearing in his right ear.)

That being said, no one minds when they find Sean sprawled out under a tree behind the mansion one day.

Well, Hank has a slightly stupid concern that there are unpleasant insects living in the grass or in the trees. He also has a not-so-stupid concern that Alex will make good on his promise to shove a daisy up Sean’s nose, but instead he enjoys the peace and quiet of no sonic sneezing and no voice at his side chattering away about some musical group or another.

(But honestly, Hank was never really bothered by it.)


Sean is asleep on the washing machine.

Hank, who hadn’t noticed at first because he’d been folding a million pairs of grey sweatpants, does a double take.

It’s one thing to take a nap every afternoon. It’s another thing to be so compelled to take a nap that you fall asleep on top of a washing machine.

Hank worries for a minute that maybe Sean is having trouble sleeping. He immediately dismisses that theory, though, because Sean would have let them know, or at least let Charles know. He doesn’t keep things bottled up. He even let everyone know that he’d taken a “freakishly long piss” one memorable morning.

Then he thinks maybe it has something to do with his power. He ponders this, and after he realizes he’d been pondering for a long time, he also realizes he should probably wake Sean up so Sean can do his share of the work. Only Sean can touch everyone’s underwear and not feel awkward.

Hank can’t bring himself to do it, though. Sean really reminds him of a cat, the muddled, sleepy kind of cat that Hank wants to take home and cuddle forever.

So instead he drapes a freshly cleaned towel over the sleeping boy’s shoulders.


“Do you know where Sean is?” Raven asks.

“Not sure,” Hank answers. “But it’s almost two thirty, so...”

“I checked in all his usual places and he’s not in any of them.”

Hank honestly thinks there’s nothing to worry about. Xavier mansion is gigantic. He and Alex had actually discovered two whole rooms yesterday that they’d never seen before.

He does start worrying when he approaches his lab and sees a prone figure in the doorway. It turns into slight annoyance, though, because it’s just Sean, curled up, asleep.

It’s one thing to take daily naps, one thing to nod off everywhere, and another thing entirely to sleep in a doorway.

Seriously, this probably tops the washing machine on the list of Top 10 Weirdest Places Sean Has Ever Fallen Asleep In.

Sean rolls onto his back and opens his eyes. “Hi, Hank,” he murmured.

Hank sighs. “Hi, Sean.”

Sean smiles languidly. “Hiiii, Hank.”

“Um, Sean.” Hank scratches at his neck. “Uh. What, exactly, are you doing here?” he asks.

“Waiting f’r you.”

Well, that wasn’t the answer Hank expected.

“Oh. That’s nice,” he replies lamely. “Er--why?”

Sean just stares at him, the corners of his mouth still pulled up lazily.

“‘Cause I like you. I like you the most, I mean. You let me sleep when I wanna sleep and you don’t freak out and you don’t try to shove flowers up my nose and that time you gave me a blanket.”

Hank blushes. “It was a towel.”

“It was warm.”

“You’re welcome, I guess?”

Sean laughs. It’s a nice sound.

“But, um. You kind of have to move. I mean. Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

Sean doesn’t answer for a moment. Then, “Meh.”

And Hank remembers that he’s talking to the boy who could fall asleep clinging to a freaking statue in broad daylight.

But there’s just something wrong about stepping over him to get into the lab, even though it could be easily done, and leaving him there.

Hank crouches down. “Um, Sean? I’m going to pick you up, okay?”

Sean starts to groan, but Hank goes on, “Just to the couch in the lab.”

After some awkwardness about figuring out how he was going to it, Hank lifts Sean up and carries him inside. It’s easier than Hank expected; Sean doesn’t weigh a lot at all.

“You’re really tall, Hank,” Sean mumbles. “I wanna climb you like a tree.”

“That’s... that’s great,” Hank responds, laying him down on the worn-out sofa. “Maybe later.”

With surprising dexterity for someone half-asleep, Sean latches on to Hank before he can walk away, and pulls him down onto the sofa next to him.

“Sean, I--I really have some, uh, work that--that needs to get done,” Hank splutters, trying not to notice Sean is practically on his lap.

“Shhhhh.” Sean presses his lips to Hank’s jaw, hair tickling his cheek, before snuggling into the crook of his neck. “You’re always working. Should rest.”

Hank wants to point out that he gets enough rest during regular night hours, unlike someone he could name and that there are many reasons why he needs to work (Alex is complaining about something in his suit being uncomfortable and Hank doesn’t want to wake up one morning to find some unpleasant thing shoved up his nose), but Sean is nice and warm and his hair smells good.

“Well... maybe you have a point,” Hank gives in.

He wraps his arms around Sean, kisses him on the forehead, and counts freckles until he dozes off.


beast, hank/sean, banshee, hank mccoy, sean cassidy, x-men: first class

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