May 22, 2008 16:04
I went for my serum creatinine test yesterday and the result is completely normal! It's roughly the same as before my medication reduction, even though it's been done at a different lab!
I am really relieved. I was fretting about it in the back of my mind these past two weeks. Every pain or palpitation was a dreadful omen of impending doom. In fact, at first, my kidney did swell a bit - cortisone is an anti-inflammatory, amongst other things. That got less as time went on and I adjusted. I can tell, because the transplanted kidney is put in your pelvic basin, near your bladder, instead of behind your ribs (where kidneys grow normally), so you can actually sometimes see if it's got bigger. The kidney itself has been denervated (its nerves have been removed) but its swelling makes other organs uncomfortable.
Now it feels fine. So my doctor, who is thrilled (his words), has decided I should carry on with two thirds of the dose for another month, then we'll have another blood test to check if it's still stable. If it is, we'll reduce the cortisone further.
I already feel better - less sore and stiff, less tired. Even my blood sugar seems more stable... Just goes to show that even little changes can really improve your quality of life!