Oct 20, 2006 22:28
You know what's worse than a loud, oblivious roommate? A loud, oblivious roommate with her almost-as-loud friend in the room to yap with.
You know what's worse than either of those? Having those two working with stinky chemecals to do something weird to the roommate's hair, and the window's closed. My headache is growing as we speak.
I swear to God, if this isn't an exersize in patience that will be justly rewarded at a later date, there will be no limits to how PISSED OFF I will be. I'd settle for never sharing a floor with my current roommate again, and passing grades, and a decent position in my graduating class. Anything else, I'm pretty sure I can handle.
Seriously, what the heck did I do to deserve this roommate? I try to get out of the room a lot to allow her to have time to herself here, and she spends even more time away. As such, the vast majority of our time in the same room is at points when we really can't go much of anywhere else, like late at night when I just want to enjoy some fic reading, shower, and go to bed, while she yaps on the phone nigh-endlessly and studies to all hours, sometimes leaving the light on ALL FRICKIN' NIGHT. And my professors complain about me dozing off in class...and I have trouble concentrating on writing papers...
If I get susspended after this quarter and have to live at home--with my guilt-tripping, nagging, well-meaning-but-oppressive mother--and work full-time for a year, I'll kick my current roommate's ass when I get back, if I don't just give up and finish my degree at a school near home. I'm only two quarters away from leaving for good, you stupid cow!
...my life sucks beyond belief...
-- Rosy the Cat
ass-kicking impending