so many events! with photos! *reminder! I look terrible because it's hot as hell down here!!

Jun 26, 2006 10:51

okay. We went to the Spotted Cat and saw REAL naw'olins jazz. This woman Linzzie was absolutely amazing. She sounded like a young Ella Fitzgerald. Her band was fabulous.People were swing dancing and having a good time, and thank god we were FAR away from Bourbon Street. As Mellissa, Kristen's supervisor told us, Bourbon is shit. If any of you come down to the dirty south and want to experience real New Orleans culture, aviod Bourbon at all costs. It's just stupid.

Then we met Madeline Albright, '59! And her Wellesley classmate Jackeen, who is the sweetest woman I've ever met. When I introduced ourselves to her she just went "Oooo!" and opened her arms to embrace the four of us. Seriously, it produced such an "oh my god I love Wellesley" moment. She told us stories about President Clapp and laughed at the thought of DCW walking around the lake picking up beer bottles to recycle: "Imagine Miss Clapp doing such a thing!"

And then of course there was shopping. I ended buying shoes I didn't need but had to have. The pink one's are Siguerson Morrison and the gold ones are Miu Miu. Sigh. Love shoes and love the lovely shopping in New Orleans.

My vanity will eventually destroy me. I'm sure of it.
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