Hookey on Friday

Mar 26, 2010 16:20

Just half a day for me. I had a meeting in Fremont this morning with some engineers and lawyers -- always a fun mix. Then I headed back over the hill to put new tires on mastersantiago's car.

A month or so ago, mastersantiago said that he wanted to get new tires on the car. It was losing some traction during the rainy season, and since he puts in a lot of commute miles, he wanted to take care of it before it became a problem. Two weeks ago, we traded vehicles so that I could take the car in and he drove the truck to work.

I ended up going to the Costco tire center, which has been a good choice for us in the past. The tires I wanted were backordered by four to six weeks, but I could have the next best in two days.

So they said. I called two days later, but the tires hadn't been delivered. Call again on Tuesday, they said. I called again, and they still hadn't been delivered. Call on Thursday.

I called again yesterday, and the tires still hadn't shown up, so I asked them to find out what was going on. Two weeks seemed a little excessive. They never did figure out where my tires are, but they had something comparable in stock (I didn't want to know if they'd been in stock all along) and I told them I'd be in today to have them put on the car. The nice guy I spoke with recommended calling again this morning to make sure they were still available.

So as I was leaving Fremont, I called Costco to confirm. Yes, they still had the tires available (he actually went and looked at the stock!) but they were running at 3+ hours to get them changed. Le sigh. Still, I wanted them done today, so I called the office to let them know I wouldn't be in this afternoon and headed home to grab a book. Lucky break for me: nevynn was at the house when I got home, and was willing to follow me to Costco and bring me back home so I wouldn't have to sit in the food court for three hours!

So we got down to the tire center, and nice tire guy pulled the tires out of stock and set them aside to be put on the car. But they couldn't process my order because I'd already paid for the first set of tires and they couldn't just do a switch from the old invoice to a new one. I needed to tromp over to customer returns, have them refund my money and then go back to the tire center so they could ring up a new sale.

By the time I'd jumped through all the hoops, though, they'd already pulled the car into the service bay -- moving me ahead of three other customers who had come in in the meantime -- and started the job. My 3+ hour wait was now down to about 45 minutes, so nevynn and I grabbed some lunch. For future reference, when you order "a slice" of pizza at the Costco foodcourt, they give you two. I ordered two, so nevynn got some extra pizza. By the time we were finished, the car was just being pulled out of the service bay and I was soon on my way home.

Now to finish the laundry, vacuum the living room and waste time on the internets.

crap that makes me cranky

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