
Dec 03, 2009 14:08

First off, Not a lot of change, there. Still tender, warm and a little swollen. I'll get out the oils from redheadedlyon when I get home and give myself a nice little massage. I forgot to take my shot yesterday morning, so I took it in the evening -- I doubt that made a big difference. mastersantiago noticed that my hands were shaking, but (a) I was pretty nervous about auditioning later, and (b) I don't normally have an audience while I shoot up.

Yeah, I was pretty nervous. All day, in fact, I was pretty nervous. I watched the surprised kitten video about a jillion times just to try and keep myself from freaking out. I practiced my monologue and I practiced my song, and just tried to keep from throwing up.

But the audition itself wasn't too bad. I always get thrown off when the pianist starts, since that's usually the first time I hear the introduction, and I never sound quite as good as I do in the car, but I think I made a fairly decent showing. At least they weren't sitting there with their fingers in their ears, and they let me get through the whole song. Then some scales -- low F that rattled around my rib cage, up two full octaves and back down again. My monologue was from Lady Windermere's Fan and again, seemed to go well. I heard them giggling at the appropriate places, and even repeating a couple of the good lines to each other as I was leaving the room.

The dancing part was hilarious, as they called back all four of us in my little audition group and taught us a quick little dance routine. The phrase "flailing monkey dance" comes to mind.

I have to say, though, that I'm actually happy with my audition, though. I mean, I wasn't fabulous and I made some big mistakes, but coming from years of not being able to sing in public at all, I think I've made some significant progress here. So, yeah, I'll put this one in the "win" column.

In other news, bleh. I've got a lot of work stuff to catch up on (so, why you playin' on LJ, huh, Rose?) and I've got to pack up my cube since we're moving to another building over the furlough. I've got a bunch of stuff to catch up on at home, too, and I'm still undecided about what to wear to 12th Night. Can I just go in my fleece jammies?

hands, sca, kismet

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