Clawing my way out

Sep 24, 2009 09:36

There's barely been time to breathe over the past couple of weeks, but I think I'm beginning to claw my way back to daylight.

The Colorado Project is on hold. The past two trips were terrible; I don't think I've ever seen such appalling behavior. Shouting, bullying, threatening, lying -- it was truly ugly. The project won't resume until we've gone back to court to set some new ground rules. In the meantime, I've still got a bunch of cleanup work to do on the project here, so it's going to take me another week or so before I feel like I've got everything back under control.

Colorado itself, well, I've really grown to like it there. It's clean and it's pretty, and, at least last week, the weather was fabulous. Everybody I've talked to or worked with has been extraordinarily friendly and helpful. Perhaps, in some cases, a little too helpful.

Aside from the work uglies, my biggest complaint about last week's trip was that I packed the wrong pair of jeans. Not a terrible big deal, I guess, but I packed the straight leg jeans and not the flares. I hate the straight leg jeans. Why are they still in my closet?

I was worried about Mists' Bardic, since I wasn't sure how much time I'd be spending in Colorado. Special thanks to ldyanna, kahnegabs and the others who've stepped up to help out. Prep work is proceeding -- mastersantiago and I made a billion pounds of sausage and two of the sauces last night. Tonight I'll go through and see what else can be prepped ahead of time, and make sure I've got all my lists and equipment ready, and print out my Big Book of Everything and the menus. Tomorrow is the last of the shopping and packing.

Well, LastWeek, I guess. Just over a week until October Crown, when I pass on the job to paul_rowan. So next week I engage in what is probably the traditional last job of a kingdom seneschal -- finding and filing all the paperwork from the last two years and making sure the files are all in order.


I know I've said it before, but I'm really jonesing to start making stuff again. mastersantiago and I both need to revise our SCA wardrobes, and I haven't touched my scroll backlog in way too long. I need to clean and reorganize the house, and work on the yard. I want to plant an herb garden and maybe replace the orange tree with something I'll actually use. I want to finish the new pavilion and paint banners for the camp.

And stuff. I like stuff.

work, sca

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