I think yesterday I was Bizarro World's Non-productive Lass.
There was New Case Fail! at work, when I figured out that two of my attorneys were talking around each other, and neither was remembering to keep me in the loop. This isn't unusual at the beginning of a case, but I didn't think about it when I started setting up the case and it meant a lot of backtracking to figure out what was missed.
I was a little late getting out of the office and traffic sucked mightily all the way down into Santa Cruz, so I was slow getting to the gym and never could quite get into the groove.
mastersantiago likes to swim, and it's a good exercise for me because it's easy on my joints, but I'm not really a fan. That was topped off yesterday by swimsuit failure, and I only managed about 15 minutes of laps before I just gave up. And since I hadn't packed any other workout clothes, making up the time on the elliptical wasn't really an option. (Don't worry, though, I really didn't console myself with cookies!)
At home, I tried to get caught up on stuff for the weekend. I finally unpacked my suitcase; at least we'd done laundry before leaving Alaska, so all the clothes were clean. Looking at the sword case, though, I noticed that, of the two locks I bought before leaving for Alaska, one was missing entirely and one had the hasp bent out of shape. *sigh* Nothing inside was mangled, though. Stoopid TSA.
Cleaned the kitchen and sorted the laundry, and then sat down to start working on the poisons chart for tomorrow's feast. Found paper and my writing desk, but not my scribe box.
mastersantiago got home while I was standing in the closet muttering impolite words, and he joined the search. Of course, he found the box in the closet, right where it should have been. But, no pens and no ink in the box. No idea where those are at the moment, and I was once again stymied.
Today is my do-over. I've re-established control over my new case, talked with the attorneys and started setting up interviews and data collection. I've picked up new pens and ink, and will get that chart done this evening. I'll clean out my dresser and get rid of the stupid swimsuit pieces that don't work, and I'll get back in the pool this weekend. Take that, Non-productive Lass!