I made these 3 Roswell icons, and 60 other icons from many different fandoms.
Fandoms include: 500 Days of Summer (1), Battlestar Galactica (1), Being Human (1), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1), Castle (1), Community (1), Cougar Town (12), Disney/Pixar (7), Doctor Who (1), Dollhouse (1), Firefly (1), Flash Forward (1), Fringe (3), Glee (3), Gossip Girl (1), Harry Potter (1), Haven (1), Legend of the Seeker (1), Modern Family (1), Nikita (1), Rizzoli & Isles (1), Roswell (3), Stargate: Atlantis (4), Stargate: SG1 (2), Star Trek (1), Star Wars (1), Supernatural (1), Time Traveler's Wife (1), Torchwood (1), True Blood (4), White Collar (1)
Find the icons here))