May 27, 2013 21:54
We're sitting outside on our deck. The air is cooling as storms roll in from miles away. The sky is overcast and a light breeze has started building. The cool scent of impending rain fills the air around us. The sun and the humidity had been relentless for most of the day. It had gone from hardly bearable to pleasant over the course of a couple of hours. We knew that soon enough, the sky would break open and rain would pour down over us, drenching as much of the world as we could see.
The table is littered with our empty plates. We'd decided to eat outside when we realized that it wasn't as brutally hot as it had been. I reach forward to grab our prize from the morning's farmer's market. It rolls towards me with just a flick of my fingers.
It's hardly as big as a basketball and just as round, but when I take the big knife and slice through it, the sweet scent of ripe, red fruit rises to our nostrils. It makes a juicy squelching noise as sharpened steel bisects it. Each half rests on the table when I finish slicing. A puddle of juice flows along the table.
“Want it cut into wedges?”
“Nope,” he answers cheerfully as he pulls his half of the watermelon onto his plate.
The flesh is crisp as his spoon breaks it. He carves out a vaguely conical bite and pops it into his mouth. His eyes close as he tastes that first, sweet bit of summer bounty. Then, it's my turn. He watches as I take a bite, chew thoughtfully, and offer a big, close-mouthed smile.
It's perfect. I can't imagine a better end to our first outdoor meal of the summer season.
him & me,
sunday scribblings