May 02, 2011 19:10
Today, on the bus, there was this guy that just really made me smile. He was positive and upbeat and just full of good things to say. He talked to the guy that was sitting behind him about how the perception of Mondays being bad, but that it was really just a whole lot of false mental programming. He was clearly having a good day and he was happy about it, without being smug. I got the impression that if he could have, he'd have made sure that everyone else on that bus had a day that was just as good as his was. I can say, in all honesty, that it certainly made my day better.
I'm embarking on a new writing project today. It's a little bit of a departure for me, definitely something that I've never tried before. I'm very hopeful that it will all come together. The real challenge will be making the main female character not sound kind of snotty and uppity and making sure that my superheroes don't end up sounding like a whole bunch of spoiled brats.
I was just sort of idly mulling the idea over, vascillating between trying to write it and not writing it. All of the sudden, ideas started flowing and I realized I could really do this. I could write this thing, crazy as it seems, and just see how it works out. I'm very hopeful that it works great, that it flows through the way that I want it to and it becomes a real, honest to goodness piece that I can submit-and that it will get accepted.
I'm not entirely sure if wishes of luck would be appropriate. I'd like to think that my writing skills are such that luck isn't really necessary. On the other hand, good luck never hurt anyone, so surely it couldn't hurt.
I need to stop writing this and get some of these ideas onto the page.
people watching,
good things