Dec 31, 2009 22:45
At first, he was really excited because I put three packages of thick sliced hickory smoked bacon into the cart, along with a package of Lil'Smokies and some brown sugar. Then, I grabbed a bag of prunes and he started to get a little panicky. I'd offered to make appetizers so his friends could come over and watch movies with us, and he'd promised his friends that it would be great, despite the fact that I hadn't made any of the things I was planning to cook for him. I'd reassured him that I'd made them all many, many times and these were all much-loved recipes.
He hovered in the kitchen while I assembled the food in preparation for cooking. I could tell that he wasn't feeling any more at ease with me wrapping prunes in bacon. Once I'd finished, I put them into the oven to bake and went to work on wrapping the smokies in bacon. I had to take the prunes out and turn them, then put them back into the oven to finish baking. The uncertainty was clear on his face, until, finally, he could try eating one. As soon as he tasted his first bacon-wrapped prune, I could tell that we wouldn't have any more problems with the food. Instead, the problem became keeping him out of them until our company could arrive.
sunday scibblings