And the countdown to vacation begins...

Jan 02, 2008 19:56

I only have one more day of work this week before I get to go on vacation for a week. I'm really looking forward to most of it, though there are parts of it that I wish I didn't have to deal with.

Tomorrow, I have to get a new battery for my car, because I haven't put a new battery in since I bought Horatio ten years ago. The cold we've been experiencing lately was, apparantly, the final straw, and thus, the old battery has given up, requiring a brand new one. I've just spent an inordinate amount of time calling around to various auto parts stores attempting to FIND a battery for Horatio because, of course, he takes an odd size. I've known that this was coming for a while, since he's been corroding the heck out of his battery cables for a couple of years now, I was just sort of vaguely hoping that we'd make it until, you know, May, when I take him on his annual drive to visit his grandparents, at which point my dad could have done the heart surgery honors. I have someone else to do them, fortunately, but it does kind of suck. Ah well, he should be a happier 'Ratio sometime soon.

open heart surgery on horatio, vacation

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