Oct 13, 2004 03:21

Rapid Update like Christina:

1) Did extra work for "That's So Raven" and met a guy there named Mikey who makes me go, "Beau who?"...seriously...I got his number, then called it to invite him to Gay Night at Six Flags, but tell me why when his house line picked up it said, "Jason and Mikey here, leave a message"...i clicked. So his boyfriend...(or maybe a roommate...either way, he's hot)

2) I auditioned for the national tour of WICKED!!! I waited in line for like, 6 hours to sing. Josh, Oscar and me got "type casted" in, and then Josh was first. He said he murdered it, in a really bad way. Then I was second, and all the guy could say was, "Matthew, thank you for waiting so long..."........I am so mad! Haha.

3) Next day was the dancing auditions! Seriously, one of the easiest fucking combinations I've ever learned in my life...except for this one leg/arm part, but ultimatley, I got cut after the first round...whatever, I auditioned for WICKED!

4) I bought Swann's green iMac!! Only $300 fucking dollars...wow...and we're doing payment plans of $30 for the next four months because I only had half, but yay, I'm picking that up tomorrow!

5) Foad (Maria's brother, who owns an iMac), let me play with his Garage Band software (that's only for iMacs)......and I fell in love with it!! All my piano songs sound soooo good with a real studio feel to them!! I'm so excited!

6) I succesfully downloaded (from WinMx), "The Wicked Wiitch of the East". The only song NOT on the album from Wicked...I will be showing you all soon enough (or the next you're in my car)

7) I might be leaving for 7 months to work on the Carnival Crusie Ship line...a dance teacher at Millennium, Andi McCormack, asked me if I wanted to pursue in to that and I said yes, and she's this scout for Carnival, and she wants to make an audition tape with me to get me on. She says I'm definetly ready to start making a living with my dancing career. Yay!! But I haven't decided yet what to do....

8) I'm learning this amazing cool/hard dance to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' "Maps"!! SOOOOOO awesome!

9) Danny Butler and myself are starring in a student film entitled "It's Just A Pillow" directed by Elise Lobenstein and Jessica Sheely for their film class at CSUN! I fucking love Danny Butler. He is an amazing person. Kudos to Maria for letting us film at her house! Oh and also, I tried out for this movie called "Aaron & Mathew" which is basically the gay version of "Children of a Lesser God" (KATT!), and my friend is directing it, Orlee. Her main concern was that I looked hella young compared to how old the characters should be, but after my audition, she said was really set on using me because I "blew her away"! (YAY!)...but ultumatley, again, she decided to go with someone else (named Matt Dallas, btw) because I looked too young...so yeah, I was sad about that...

10) Went to the beach with Maria and Christina to take pictures. I got devoured by a wave while standing on these rocks. It was great. Christina's phone is in the pacific ocean. Haha. Good Charlotte sooo could have done better with this last album...I'm mad. Christina, I love you always. You left your pet pillow at my house! (I bought it for her since she can't seem to manage fish anymore...)

11) I'm turning 19 this Sunday! It hasn't hit me tha my birthday is so close, but yay, I think 17 and 19 are the sexiest ages. I don't know why

12) Went to BHS to pay Swann for the computer, and I saw Rene there for the first time since Scotland (like 2 months ago). We talked and danced to "Lose My Breath" for eachother. It was good to see him. Really good.

13) Ok, so ever since Scotland, I've been a bit bitter towards a certain someone...but I had a long chat with their mother and I feel horrible for being so in sensitive and bitter towards your new life... I hate it that we don't see eachother, I know you do too, and that as a result just makes me bitter about what our friendship is as opposed to what is was. I love you and miss you more than I think you know at the moment. It's still the same amount when you first left... I'm driving to Fullerton to see your play on Saturday, you better fucking do amazing (like you always do....) We need a day, JUST THE TWO OF US (and no, I wasn't quoting a Will Smith song, lol) I LOVE YOU KATT!!!

14) I am in love with Vanessa Carlton's new song, "White Houses". It's so good.

15) I'm going to fall alseep in front of the computer now. This chair is so comfortable. It's like a womb. Any weird ass position I'm in is amazing.

16) I'm done.

17) I love how I said this'd be a rapid update, but it was still hella long...
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