
Dec 22, 2006 18:54

This was sent to me over at my Homebase *link above* so I'm filling it out here. Anyone who wants to fill it out is welcome to.

1. Full Name: Winter Ann Ashby
2. Male/Female: Female
3. Were you named after anyone? Not after a person… but obviously I was named after a Season.
4. Does your name mean anything? That it’s cold??
5. Nick Name(s) : Ash
6. What do you think you look like... name wise: I think I look more like a Sara actually.
7. Date Of Birth: 07/18/85
8. Place of Birth and Current Location: Miami, and Miami
9. Nationality: Ancestrally, I’m Scotch/Irish.
10. Astrology Sign: Cancer
11. Chinese Astrology Sign: Ox
12. Religion: Lutheran
13. What’s your favorite smell? Vanilla
14. Political Position? Flaming Liberal
15. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Minute-Maid Cran-Apple juice
16. Hair + Eye colour: Light brown & Hazel
17. Do you look like anyone famous? No
18. What do you look like? A person
19. Any unusual talents? I can dislocate my hips, elbows, and shoulders
20. Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? Righty
21. Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? Straight. Ask me again after a few drinks and we’ll see
22. What do you do for a living? Tutor Math and take care of old people
23. What do you do for fun? DA
24. What are your favorite art materials to work with? My Computer, blueberry
25. What kind of materials would you like to work with? Tablet!!
26. Have you met your grandparents? Yes
27. Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Live-In Boyfriend
28. Crush: Yes
29. What celebrity would you date if you could? Just one???
30. Current worries? Currently, if I’ll make it into Grad school
31. Favorite online Guy/Girl(s) : Lots ;)
32. Favorite place to be? Outside
33. Least favorite place to be? Inside all day
34. Do you burn or tan? Burn
35. Ever break a bone? No
36. What is your favorite cereal? Honey-Nut Cheerios
37. Person you cry with: My Best Friend

Do You Have...
38. Any sisters: No
39. Any brothers: Yes
40. Any pets: Yes
41. An Illness: Yes
42. A Pager: No
44. A Cell phone: Yes
45. A visible birthmark: Yes
46. A pool or hot tub: A pool in the apartment complex
47. A Car: Yes

48. Personality: My boyfriend says I’m crazy
49. Driving: I’m a bad driver… if you know me you know about the first time I tried to drive. I’ll give you a condensed version. It involves reversing up an exit ramp, going the wrong way, backing up across four lanes of oncoming traffic, a semi truck, a ditch, and a well placed poll.
50. Your clothing style: Comfy
51. Room: Covered in Anime
52. What’s missing: A ring
53. School: DONE, for now
54. Bed: Big and comfy (it’s got to fit two people these days)
55. Relationship with your parent(s) : Pretty good. They annoy me sometimes.

Do You
56. Believe in yourself: Yes
57. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
58. Consider yourself a good listener: Yes, emphatically, yes!
59. Have a future dream that you would like to share? Yes
60. Get Along with your parents: Yes
61. Save your e-mail conversations: *sheepish* sometimes
62. Pray: Always
63. Believe in reincarnation: *shifty eyes* Maybe
64. Brush your teeth twice a day? Yes, three times
65. Like to talk on the phone: No
66. Like to eat? Yes
67. Like to exercise? Is that a trick question?
68. Like to watch sports? No
69. Sing in the car? *turns bright red* yes

70. What is a dream that you have all the time? That I’m being murdered
71. Dream in color? Yes
72. Do you have nightmares? See above answer for question 70
73. Sleep with a stuffed animal: Not anymore
74. Right next to you: my closet
75. On your favorite coffee cup? Nothing. It’s grey
76. On your mouse pad: Sponge Bob
77. Your favorite flavor of gum? ORIGINAL, damnit!!!
78. Favorite deodorant? Secret
79. Your dream honeymoon spot: No
80. Your dream husband/wife: Sure…
81. Hiding in your closet? Old treasures that would get me into trouble if anyone found them
82. Under your bed: My mattress is on the floor right now…
83. The name of one of your closest/best friends? Spira
84. Your bad time of the day: 6:00
85. Your worst fear(s) : Amnesia
86. What's the weather like: Muggie
87. Your favorite time of year? Fall
88. Your favorite holiday? Halloween
89. A material weakness? Purses
90. The weirdest food or drink that you like: bologna
91. At the top of your "to-do list"? finish fanfics
92. The hardest thing about growing up: Money
94. Your scariest moment: Car accidnet
95. Your attitude about love? Some people you will never get over, some people you will grow to love with time. Others you will fall in and out of love with. And then there are those who you can just never bring yourself to love - because you know it would destroy you.
96. The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? I think being Goth counts as ‘desperate’
97. The worst feeling in the world: Mourning
98. The best feeling in the world: Falling in Love
99. Who sent this to you? Mangaandanimefan AKA Cindy-chan

! personal, meme

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