(no subject)

Mar 13, 2008 22:02

I just signed up for two harry potter roleplay websites (or rather, re-signed up for one, and returned to an old account on the other). Why did I do it? Damned if I know. I don't even want to, really. I just don't want to do anything else, either. Actually, I have the biggest desire to go and make myself sick but we are notttt doing that anymore. I also want a drink, again. I will, tonight, be drinking. Because having a hangover on Friday mornings makes class pass quicker and I don't have to do as much if I complain about a headache.

I got my tablet today. However, 'Painter Essentials 4' is a shit piece of software and I'm still not used to drawing on one thing and looking elsewhere so it kind of... pissed me off? already. I'd write more fanfiction but honestly, I've got writers block. I even planned out this bloody chapter for my ff7 fanfic, but I just can't bring myself to write it.
 Thank God it's Friday tomorrow.

But then again, weekends suck too at the moment. Just got to try and get as much school work done as possible... look for a job, too. Because I feel shit about the fact I'm growing up, and to get over that, I'm going to attempt to embrace it instead. Lets all be young adults!

Argh, my moms pasta carbonara is so tasty. but so fattening. 'carb'onara.  ouch. i can literally feel the fat clogging up my arteries. I should stop eating... booze, black coffee and cigarettes is the way to go.

I've only got 9 and a half weeks until expo! I've got a lot of fucking weight to lose.
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