this year came to quick

Jan 01, 2006 21:47

yah so last night was pretty cool. hung out with chels tony kyle & sadly ashton. me && chels were drunk off bawls [the drink for all you prevers] we watched some drunks try to skate which was uber funnie && my little brother ate shit running. i felt bad but it was funnie as shit. then i gave tony his poptarts & we all had a poptart/candy fight. it was awesome! so i basicly brung in the new year with my buddies
[tony koch]
[kyle duval] aka my kidd
[chelsea crumhoe]
&& well ashton

anyway happy [late] new year to everyone i didnt all ready say it too

[2005 was fulled with all sorts of memories, some i love to remember others i just hate but cant forget i hope this year will be fulled with more]
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